Chapter 2

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"What are you doing here?" Faith said as she looked away, not wanting to look at Josh "I came to see you, my dear, ~" "I'm not your dear" Faith said in an annoyed voice "Oh don't be like that Faith" Josh said as he grabbed Faith's chin gently and made her look at him "Don't touch me!" Faith said as she backed up "Now leave! Or I'll call the cops!" "Now let's not get all mad, I just came for a visit, and to tell you to be careful, because I'll be watching you, my dear, waiting for the right time to attack" he then placed his hand on Faith's upper back and pulled her into a kiss. Faith's face went completely red with blush and Josh chuckled "I'll see you tonight, just make sure your windows locked or you might get more than just a visit from me~" then Josh winked and walked off. Faith just stood there in shock before she finally shut the door and locked it, she then went back up to her room "It's starting to get dark, where are mom and dad?" Faith looked out her window and seen a group of kids walking down the sidewalk, and Josh was one of them. She locked her window and went downstairs, just as she got to the door there was a knock and she opened it to see a group of boys, Josh stepped up and said: "I seen you lock your window, your actually following what people say now?" "Shut up Josh, what do you want?" "the boys and I were wondering if you wanted to go to a party with us?" "I'm not going anywhere with you and your looney friends" all the boys laughed and one said "Harsh" Faith rolled her eyes and went to shut the door but Josh put his foot in the way "Move your foot, Josh" Faith said as she looked up at him "Not unless you come" Josh said as he opened the door back up and walked inside "Get out of my house Josh!" "No! I'm not leaving! Not until you come!" Josh yelled as he grabbed Faith by the arm and started dragging her towards the door "Let me go!" Faith screamed as she tried getting lose from Josh's grip, just then red and blue lights lit up the road as a cop car pulled up and Josh let go of Faith's arm and ran off with the other boys close behind. One of the police officers got out and walked up to Faith "Are you, ok Miss Johnson?" "Yeah.....I-I'm fine" Faith said as she rubbed her arm where Josh had grabbed her. Just as the police were leaving Faith's parents pulled up and got out "Is everything ok?" asked Faith's mom in a worried voice "Everything is fine....but we have some boys to go look for" the police officer said as he started the car up and drove off "What happened Faith?" asked her father as they got inside "Josh was here with some friends, he tried to get me to go to a party with him, and then he grabbed me, I guess someone heard the yelling and called the cops" "Well I'm glad your ok sweetie" said Faith's mom as she hugged her "Maybe we should move" said Faith's dad as he sat down "Now that Josh is lose we can't trust leaving Faith home alone without him showing up, she can't even walk to school without seeing him!" Faith and her mom looked at each other and Faith said: "But we can't move....what about all my friends?" "Well" her dad said as he looked at Faith "Would you rather stay here with him running around just to be with your trouble making friends, or move to a new town far away from here where he won't know your there and make new friends" Faith didn't say anything, and instead walked up to her room and closed the door behind her, this was gonna be a hard year now that Josh was free......but she wasn't gonna let him stop her.              

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