the day i found the thing.

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It a normal sweltering summer day. Everyone was out and about going to the place they needed to be. Except for me, i simply just wanted to get some fresh air so i decided to go for a walk. Its july 10th 2018 and the whole week has been 103°F or above. Today was the hottest yet at 113°F. My name is Molly Grace Scento, and its my 18th birthday. My guess though is your not here to learn about me, but to hear what happened to me. So, let me tell you the story.

I was walking down the newly laid down sidewalk. It was so hot i thought for sure i was going to melt. I was looking down at my phone, it was my birthday, and a lot of people were txting me. I was mainly just txting my friend Brianna though. She had just gotten a new pool and it was huge. I wanted to know if i could come over and swim. I just love water, i almost wish i was a fish.... anyways back to the story.... i had just finished asking if i could come over, and i looked up. I live in a small town, so even though i had only been walking for 20 minutes i was already at the town park. Which is located directly in the center of everything. I slipped my phone into my pocket and walked over to the teenage section. Which basically was a continuation of the playground. just it was taller so bigger kids could fit, but really anyone and everyone used it. I walked over to the monkey bars and climbed up on them letting my body hang as i started to swing. My toes almost reached the floor but not quiet. Im only 5'0 and my friend thats 5'3 can reach the ground. Anyways, i swung my legs up and over so that i could hang upside down. Its my favorite thing to do when im bored. That was when i saw it though. I thought i was hallucinating at first as blood was rushing to my brain, but it didnt change or move. After a few minutes of hanging upside down staring at it i decided to get closer. You may be wondering what it is, but i cant really tell you as im not sure my self at this point. All i know is that i saw this purple metalic like box with my name on its side. I walked over to it and picked it up. The sun had made the metal warm and toasty. I had to toss it from hand to hand trying to get it to cool down. After a few tosses i could finally stand to hold it. I took a closer look at it and it said "to molly grace scento and Brianna from Rosie scento." I read it over and over again i turned it to the side and there was a sketch of a young girl. I staired curious of what this is. I slowly unwantingly turn it again and the side sports "from 5089 to 2018." I cant believe my eyes. This surely must be a tressure hunt my friend set up for me. Brianna does know i love hunts. I calm down a little when i realize thats what it surly is. I laugh at how silly it would be for someone to have actually scent something from the future. I look at the last side it has a picture of me and my friend sketched into it. The top has two holes one looks like a camera the other like a stage, and on bottom was a on and off switch. To excited to start the hunt i run off towards briannas house full speed. Once i got there i ran right into her room. "BRIANNA OMG THANK YOU, you know how much i love hunts come on i want to get started." I was to excited to even realize that her face was confused not proud or excited. Then, she said it the thing that made me stop dead in my track. "What hunt? What are you talking about molly? Slow down." She ran into my back as i stop and i looked at her. "The hunt you set up, you know the purple box you left me at the did you know id be there and see it anyways?" I pulled out the box to show it to her, and to prove that i have it. She took it from my hand her eyes look scared, "um...molly i didnt do, this and it says its for me to. Plus, i didnt know you were even at the park till two seconds ago." That's, how it all started. This is the story of how me and my friend saves the world.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2019 ⏰

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