The Angel Code

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I open my sleep-encrusted eyes to an amber sky. I am outside, but where? I sit up, taking in my surroundings. The ground is orange and dusty, littered with scraps of paper and cans. The sky spreads out in all directions without the interuption of a cloud or mountian. Why am I here? Suddenly, I realize, i have know idea who I am. My name, age, memories of anything are gone. All I know is I am alone, and for some reason, I have the urge to go South. But how do I know where South is in a land with no discernable sun? The light seems to come from all directions, yet the air isn't hot. The strange part is I am not confused, all this just seems like it's supposed to happen, except nothing is happening. If it makes any sense, I have never been more confused about not being confused. I must be here for a reason. I start searching the ground for anything helpful, but all that interests me is a tattered piece of fabric. It's the only colorful thing in this barren land. The vibrant blue is a relief from the dull orange-brown of everything else. A few yards away I spot another piece. This one is smaller, but I pick it up anyways. What could it have come from? A shirt? I look down and realize I am wearing a loose camisol and leggings, the same shade of blue. Oddly, I hadn't noticed my clothes before. Everything seems to be slowly coming into understanding. I think i've accepted the fact that I somehow know the basics of life, like color, language, numbers, etc... I check my clothes for any rips and tears, but they seem to be brand new. Up ahead, another strip of fabric catches my eye. When I reach that one, I see another not very far away. I start jogging, following the newly discovered trail of torn fabric. I am surprised at my physique, am I an.. whats the word? Some concepts still aren't clear, but I caught the word on the edge of my toungue. 'Athlete'. I feel like my mind has a big gaping hole in it, my memories and personal experiences gone, but general knowledge floating around the outside, sometimes having to be fished out after falling in. I keep following the trail for what feels like hours. I am slowing down when I see figures in the distance. People! I pick up my pace with a new motivation, yearning to figure out where I am and why. I notice that the people are running towards me too, we are getting closer to eachother every second. I can see them sort of clearly now, one is short and thin, but carrying a lethal-looking weapon. The other is taller than the other but seems to be struggling to keep up. He stumbles around a bit while running. Finally we both skid to a halt, studying one another. These guys have euphoric smiles on their faces, their grins showing rotting teeth and gums. They cover their bodies with torn burlap sacs, fitted into makeshift tunics. I am freaked out

most by their eyes. Startling yellow iris's stand out against coal-black corneas. Great. I know i'll have nightmares in Barren. That's what i'm calling this place now, it fits. They hiss in a dialect I can't understand, and the short one raises his sword. If I wasn't frightened before I am now. He starts bringing down the blade, I have to react. "Stop!" I yell. "Who are you and what do you want?" The blade halts right above my head, hovering hesitantly. "Silly girl, do not play dumb." The tall one says is in a raspy voice. "We can see you are an 'Angel', as you call yourselves, and you know exactly what we are." These men are insane.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2014 ⏰

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