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What do you mean 'he knew too much?'" I asked worried.

"I'm not saying he KNEW, I just wondered MAYBE he knew too much" Stanley said, scratching his chin.

"Yeah, I know, but what do you mean about that?"

"*Giggles* Oh Edward, Edward, Edward... Poor Edward. That's why I don't work as a spy."

"Stanley, tell me what you're thinking at once. Stop making fucking riddles."

"Edward, haven't you realized yet? Richie was the first, you may be the next! Do you know why? Too much information, Too much information, many of them secrets. And that worries the government, Edward. Maybe even our own government is involved in all this shit." He said.

"And how do you know that maybe I'm next?"

"Believe me, I've worked with spies before, it's always like this, always a spy who has too much information, ends up being disappeared, or... dead by car accident, don't you think that's a coincidence?" He asked, putting a lot of paper on the table.

I looked at them and he started saying the names.

"Beverly Marsh, Bill Denbrough, Mike Hanlon... Richard Tozier." He said, holding back his tears. "All of them, they knew TOO. FUCKING. MUCH!" He said, now cleaning his face "And they were all my friends."

I just stood quiet.

"Did he tell you about Losers Club? Yes, they are all of them." He said. "We were childhood friends. We invented this name, Losers Club *slowly smiles*. Then a bum comes and kills them just because they knew too much. I hate this secret missions bullshit!"



"Mission... We need to find this killer."

"Oh, sorry... I overreacted."

"Oh... Don't you say."

"Well, where was I? Oh... The survivor! His name is Ben Hanscom, he works as a Literature teacher now. But don't worry, he still knows how to fight."

"Okay then..." I said, getting up.

"So... When do we start?"

"We've already started."

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