Escaping The Asylum

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I felt the chilling floor touching my bare feet as I was walking down the gloomy halls of this building. My dull hazel eyes traveled up to see a single flickering bulb that hung loosely on the ceiling. Two guards, twice my size followed close behind me, observing closely at my actions. I had to get out of here but I knew that if I started to run I would surely be tranquilized. We’ve been walking for a long time now, but after what felt like hours we stopped in front of a cramped, dimly lit cell.

“Here you are son, your new home,” said one of the guards said as he opened the cell door, gesturing his head towards the room.

I stepped inside and almost bumped into the wall. The room was small as a closet-- maybe even smaller. It was pitch dark except for the light that streamed from the only small, barred window. On the other side of the room was a single bed, something I would’ve slept on as a toddler. In the far corner was a toilet, which looked like it had never been cleaned for who knows how long. I felt as if the room was getting smaller and smaller the more I looked at it.

I heard the door slam behind me which indicated that the guards left and locked me in behind them. I froze, rooted on my spot, as if time stood still. I was still in utter shock, I punched the wall beside me.

“How could this have happened! I’m innocent! I swear!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. My knees bucked and my body felt heavy as I fell onto the ground. Before I knew it, I curled up into a ball, tucked my head between my knees as hot tears streamed down my face. I never had an inferiority complex, but I thought about how the life I worked so hard to perfect was gone. My hands began to sting, I opened my tear filled eyes to see fresh warm blood trickling down my hands. I didn’t know what to feel. Unhappiness? Anger? Agony? All I knew what that there was no way I was getting out of here. My eyes grew tired, I must’ve cried for hours. I climbed onto the creaky old bed and fell asleep.

    In the morning an alarm went off and a guard came to my cell, peering in at me through the bars. “Mr. Elliot, it’s time for your first shower here at Catatonia Oaks,” he said, a smirk played on his lips.

The cell opened and I was roughly grabbed and thrown into the line leading to the showers. The showers were all open, privacy was non existent here. I turned my nose up in distaste.

You can’t shower clothed!” yelled a nearby officer. I held my breath as I began to strip down. I briskly walked over to the shower and turned it on as soon as I could. I washed the dirt and grime out of my hair with the soap they had sitting there. Not even a bottle of shampoo in sight. The water was warm at first, but turned ice cold  soon after. I yelped and jumped back as I felt the freezing liquid against my skin. I heard loud roaring laughter coming behind me. I turned around to see all the other ‘patients’ laughing at me.

“I wonder where he’s from, can’t even handle a little cold water,” I heard someone say in the crowd.

Covering myself, I pushed through them in search of a towel. I covered my body, cowering away from all the others. I looked up into the mirror in front of me, and was disgusted with what I saw. I saw sunken cheekbones, and pale bruised skin. My eyes were faded to a dull gray instead of the usual icy blue, and there were deep blue bags under my eyes. My normal light, airy, brown hair was flat and matted. I looked worse than I ever had in my life. I didn’t belong here.

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