Episode 2 - Also the begining

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         With alliances forming , twist coming , and the house scrambling. But , lets bring in the next twist , more houseguest without further a do let's meet the other 8
         The first four to enter the house is Lucas , Atalie , Madelyn , and Noah ( screams as they go in ) . The next four to go in are Chase , Emma , Faith , and Ellie ( shock as they go in ). Now with the summer in full swing we can now crown the second Head of Household!
        Welcome to " over the coals " the goal of the competition is simple be the last person on the rotating beam. Ready ... Set... Go !
        Oh , and Emma is down. Oh , and Faith is down. Oh , and Atalie is down. Oh , and Ellie is down. Oh , and Lucas is down. Oh , and Madelyn is down. Oh , and Chase is down. That means congratulations Noah your the second head of Household of the summer ! Everyone to the living room for the next twist of the summer !
          The new twist of the summer is called the battle of the block. Where HOH number 1's nominees will battle HOH number 2's nominees in a all new competition. I'll leave you at that houseguest ! Who have you America chose to be the 1st member of team America let's find out ! It is ............ Josh !
          Now it's you America who do you want Noah to nominate ? And who's going to be the next member of team America ? And who will Taylor nominate for eviction , vote in the comment section now ( maximum of 2 comments ). And find out on the next section of big brother ( TCMS edition ).

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