Episode 5 - Veto

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Hey everyone it's time to pick players for the veto competition! Will the nominees please join me up here. As head of Household I will pick 1st Emma , Chase , and Hopelyn. Big brother when the competition is to begin !
        Hey everyone it's time for the veto competition ! The goal is to spell the longest word in the shortest amount of time. Ready ... Set ... Go !
10 minutes later

Emma lets see what word you spelled : I tried to spell veto but I couldn't find the V !
Taylor lets see what word you spelled : I spelled Taylor
Jake lets see what word you spelled : I spelled calculators
Chase lets see what word you spelled : I don't have a word.
Hopelyn lets see what word you spelled : I spelled school.
Sam what word have you spelled : I spelled the word child.

Jake you had the longer spelled word which means you won the golden power of veto !
                 Nomination ceremony

          I chose to use the power of veto on myself ! That mean Taylor  you need to name a replacement nominee ! I'm sorry but can Josh take a seat ! This nomination ceremony is adjured.  Who have you chosen to be the next member of team America ?.... Madelyn ! Now , go online to vote on who you want to go home , Josh or Sam ! ( maximum of 2 online comments )

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