Middle School

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Like I said before, middle school wasn't all that great for me. School was not as bad, but it was torture for me. Sixth grade was pretty basic. I didn't have any really friends and I felt pretty alone, which is normal and nothing I couldn't handle.

Seventh grade pushed me over the edge. I had gotten used to school and everyone knew me as the "smart girl with a spicy attitude". I wasn't proud of that, but it could have been worse. I didn't want to be snarky with people, but if you mess with the flame, you're going to get burned.

Seventh grade science class became a little...how do I say this?...awkward. For me at least.

It was the beginning of a new quarter and our teacher would assign new seats. I got placed with the three guys k hated most in that class; David, Charlie, and Addison. They were "popular" and people automatically liked them. I didn't because they were mean to me and always tried to cheat off my papers because they knew they could.

Anyways, it all started when we watched a movie. The topic of the movie was about air and we decided to watch a movie about Mt. Everest. One of the main climbers had a beautiful wife who was Spanish and the guys at my table knew I was Spanish. So, naturally they started cracking jokes.

"Is that you, Jade?" They said, sarcasm laced in their words as mockery dropped from their words. I frowned and tried to defend myself.

"That's obviously not me." I said and muttered to myself, scared they would retaliate.

"Well, you like to climb, don't you?" They said and I just gave a confused look. What the hell does that mean?

"No. I actually don't." I said and faced the screen.

"Well, if you ever want to climb someone, you know  who to call. I'm always free." Said a guy and I just scoffed.

"Can you just leave me alone?" I asked and they laughed. Why does this stuff always happen to me?

"You can climb me anytime." One guy said and I ignored them. This wasn't the first time, nor the last.

Skip ahead a couple of months later and the new semester felt like a new leaf for me. Except, it wasn't. Seventh grade was one of the worst years of middle school.

In my English class, we would be separated into a "Novel Study" group, where we would go to another classroom and work with groups to talk about a novel. When I walked into the room, I noticed the teacher was very friendly and she seemed so cheerful all the time. I felt good to be in that room.

That was, until we got to be placed into groups. Yet again, I was placed with three other guys that I didn't like because they had rude comments and treated people terribly.  Their names where Menni (Many), Max and Michael (he comes in later as well).

Max was someone that all the popular girls liked because he was bad, hot (not really), and looked a lot older. He flirted with girls and they fell head over heels for him. I didn't buy it for a minute.

As we sat down in our groups, I decided to give this group a chance. Maybe they weren't that bad. Everything I'm about to explain, is word for word verbatim of what they said. Nothing is me guessing from what I remember.

"Hi guys, I'm Jade." I said and they all had a smirk on their face.

"Ok. Hey Menni, guess what I did." Max said, a grin on his face. I became worried.

"What did you do?" Menni said and I rolled my eyes.

"I jerked off with some girl." He said an my mouth just hung open. I was shocked he would say something like that.

"That's hot." Menni said and I just tried not to feel slightly awkward they were saying that kind of stuff in front of me.

"Well, I had sex with Jade last night. We banged in my closet." Said Max and I had enough.

"Can you guys just stop! That isn't even true and you know it. Let's just talk about the book, please." I said and opened my book. I was so frustrated I couldn't speak.

Another scenario:

"You gotta condom?" Max said and looked at Michael.

"Nah, man. I'm all out. Why?" He said and I just shoved my face into my book, too annoyed to say anything.

"Well, as you know, me and Jade are about to hook up in the locker room." He said and I slammed my book down.

"Please, just stop. Don't talk to me. Don't talk about me. I'm done!" I yelled and I'm surprised no one in the classroom heard anything.

After class, I talked to my teacher and she said she would keep an ear out for anything. The next day, she lingered at our table and they stopped talking about things that weren't appropriate. I mentally high fives myself.

Later that same year, I started taking the late bus. I became friends with a girl there who seemed really nice. She gave me tootsie rolls and jolly ranchers sometimes and I would give her pencils. It was innocent. She always rode the bus with me. One day, Michael came on the bus with another one of his little friends.

I tried to ignore them to the best of my abilities, but the words hurt too much.

"So, I hear that Jade sleeps with her stuffed animal Bunny still." I rolled my eyes at his comment because it was so stupid. Trivial.

"So what?" I said and looked out the window.

"What are you, a rapist?" He said and I turned to face him.

"Excuse me?" I said and he started to get in my face. Since I had my folders, I hit him with it every time he got closer and he back away.

"Don't touch me! Rapist! You're a rapist!" He said and I stopped hitting him. I just sat there, with my mouth hanging open and all my fight dissipated.

After I got off at my stop, I heard him yell out "fuck you!" As i walked home. I ran home and cried. My mother asked what was wrong and I told her. She called his mom and then the principal and I'm not sure if he got punished. That hurt me a lot and it if course, didn't stop.
I'll write more in the continued part, but this is only the beginning. Eighth grade had its ups and downs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2017 ⏰

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