Chapter Nine*

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This chapter talks about abuse, and suicide, so if they happen to be triggers for some of you, please don't read them. I love you all, inside and out, and I make it my mission to let you know that. If you ever need to talk to me about anything, feel free to pm me or add me on snapchat @ba-louise. I am willing to talk about anything. Just take the first step, and say hello, my inbox and my snapchat are always open. 


Celeste POV

Celeste! Sel! Celeste, stop! Stop, NOW! Jake thought-spoke into my head.

I reluctantly stopped. We had eyes everywhere, if you disobey the Alpha, you disobey the pack, thus giving them dibs on kicking you out.

I shifted back into human form and put my clothes on. I turned around and Jake did the same. 

"What do you want from me, huh? Why are you still here?" I shouted.

He walked up to me and attempted to give me a hug, but I pushed him away, and turned away from him.

"Sel, you freaked out up there, I just want you to talk to me. Please." 

I turned to face him, and sat down on a nearby log. He sat next to me, and listened. 

A/N: The talk about all those things begins here. If you happen to be triggered by this, please skip this section.


"When I was younger, I dealt with a lot of anxiety and insecurity issues. They started when I was 13, and I was able to get past that now, because you're here. But before, I didn't have you. 

I never told you this, but when I was 16, I tried to kill myself. My parents, they were the typical sob stories. Mom was drunk all the time, Dad was drunk all the time, and they took their anger out on poor little Celeste. There was this one time, when my Dad-he got angry and he-."

I stopped for a moment, because I got choked up. Jake took my hand in his and squeezed it gently.

"You don't have to continue, if you don't want to, Cel."

I shook my head, and continued. "No, I have to."

"He got angry, and he just so happened to have a beer bottle close by. It wasn't one of those shatter bottles, no, it was a beer bottle. And on TV they never show you how much it bleeds. Or how much it hurts. Or the fact that the glass gets stuck underneath your skin, and how hard it is to pull it out. 

Well I had enough of it. I let my wound bleed as I dragged my somewhat conscious body to the bathroom. I locked the door, and didn't bother to let the water run. I slit my wrists with a piece of glass I pulled from my neck. The funny thing is, I didn't feel anything.

It's like I could cut my heart out, to show how broken I was, and I wouldn't feel a thing.

I remember hearing growls and things crashing and people screaming. It was Sam, I knew it was.

I had been coming to his place afterschool to avoid going home. Sometimes I'd stay the night, and go back home early in the morning when I knew my parents would be asleep. Sam always told me that he 'oughta kill my parents for what they'd done' but I never believed him. I just laughed off my pain.

He found me in the tub, and bit me, effectively healing all my wounds and turning me. All I have left from that night is this scar."

I lifted my hair up to show a jagged, almost lightning bolt shaped, scar from where my father had hit me. I continued.


A/N: It ends right here.

"These vampires make me feel like I'm missing out on family. A real family. I know that I have the pack and I have you, and that's more than I could ever ask for, but--"

He silenced me by placing his hands on mine."How could you ever feel that way, knowing that I've been here this whole time? Celeste Goodwin, I-"

His pupils suddenly dialated and he inhaled deeply as his eyes turnede black. 

I felt warmth all over me, and I had no idea why. It was like I felt this strange pull towards him. 

What is going on?

All my questions were answered by his next word that was emitted from his lips.




And that's a wrap. Although short, I wanted this part of the chapter to convey the message that is, this book, these people, they've been through a lot. But they find that missing connection, that love, in the midst of it all. This chapter dealt with issues that take more than just an 

"are you sure you're okay?"

I urge all my readers, wherever you are, if you are dealing with these issues, please come talk to me. And if you can't talk to me, talk to a best friend or a relative. And if you can't talk to them, talk to me. I know, I am shit at keeping in contact with people, because I've been busy lately, but I promise you, you will get a response. It all starts with a hello. Like BTS said, you never walk alone. And I want my lovely readers to know that.

I love you all to Pluto and back. ♡

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