Flying Stars

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The crisp air meets her lungs,

filling her with fresh cold wintry night air.

Dazed  by the luminescent paths of s t a r l i g h t, she lays there on the ground,

not moving.


she waits for the irregularity. Hoping to witness one more, 

almost insignificant

flying star. 

The nocturnal-ness of her being slowly fails every second. She struggles to keep her eyes open, but fails, miserably

Just as she closes her eyes, she witnesses a truly remarkable path. It shined like the northern lights, but with more elegance and subtle-ness than ever before, as if it was

 just for her

With her eyes beckoning her unconsciousness

she drifts asleep.

True peace welcomes her, and receives her. 

For the need for worry ends,

she is asleep with

true peace.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2017 ⏰

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