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Adam and Renee walked back into the living room. The smell of pizza welcomed them to the room. All eyes turned to them and knew something was up. “You okay? You ran outta here pretty quick. Sheriff said they’ll be keeping a tab on the phone and will record the calls if you’re okay with that. He’s not exactly keeping his whereabouts a secret. Also, the police are going to go by his place and have a talk with him. We’re going to make sure he doesn’t get to you, so no need to be scared, okay?” Joe was trying to reassure her. Adam’s hand around her waist helped more.

Adam sat with his back to the fireplace, and pulled Renee to her place in front of him. She settled in and leaned her head on his shoulder. This was the stuff dreams were made of. Yeah, this could be a wonderful life. She smiled a blissful, relaxed smile. Terry noticed. “You two look really happy.”

“We are.” Adam grinned a chuckled, squeezing Renee’s shoulders in a “backwards” hug.

Matt knew that look, as did Joe, but Joe wasn’t saying anything. He knew better. Adam would reveal whatever it was he was hiding when he was ready. Matt, on the other hand, hated suspense and surprises. “Are you gonna tell us or make us guess?” Terry placed a hand on Matt’s knee, and patted it. “Leave them alone, honey. They’re happy, and we’re not anything but delighted for Adam, right?” “Yes, we are very thrilled for him, sweetie!”

Renee spoke for the first time since coming out of her room. “Adam, you may as well, or the suspense will eat Matt alive. I can see it on his face.” She laughed out loud.

“Okay. Y’all promise not to kill me, right?” Adam said with an inquisitive look.

He waited for everyone to nod their heads. They knew. “We decided that we want to get married.” He kissed her heartily, and hugged her. The guys were standing and high-fiving and shaking Adam’s hand. Terry hugged Renee, then all the guys did too! Adam’s face turned somber.

Will looked a little puzzled. “What is it, man? Something wrong with marrying the girl of your dreams?”

Adam replied. “No. She’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. I wouldn’t trade loving her for anything. The circumstances are less than ideal. I was thinking we’d need to go out of town a ways, and do so in secret. We’re going to have to do it fast, but we’ll decide together.” He hugged her close, and kissed her shoulder.

. . . . .

“Adam and Renee walked to Adam’s house to check on the dogs, and to check messages at the shop.” Terry informed the other team members of their whereabouts. She hugged Matt. “They’re scared they’re not going to survive this. I can’t blame her. She’s been through so much. Do you think they’re making the right decision? It’s so fast. I just want them to be happy.”
Matt kissed his wife’s cheek, and said, “They’ll be fine. Did you see the way she looked at him? If that girl ain’t in love, love don’t exist. And Adam? He wasn’t this happy when he was with Jolene. He loves her so much, it hurts him. You can tell this is hard for him. I think I know what he’s thinking, and he’s right. He wants her to feel real love, like it should be. I think he is thinking that if they get married now, they’ll have each other, even if they don’t live through the confrontation with Jenkins. I can’t say I blame him at all. I have half a mind to go to the back bedroom and spend some quality time with my own wife.” He smiled and she kissed him on the neck, whispering, “later, babe.” This made Matt turn two shades of pink.

Will said: “T.M.I! Lola ain’t with me. We took care o’ dat befoe I lef. Gotta make my woman happy!His smile said it all.

“Hey, where’s Joe?” The thought occurred to Matt.

Terry offered what she knew.  “I think he’s keeping a respectful but distant watch on Adam and Renee.”

. . . . .

 Adam asked Renee as they walked towards his house: “Are you sure this is what you want to do? I know it’s really sudden, and I don’t blame you if you change your mind.”

Renee put a finger to his lips. “Adam, honey, this is exactly what I want. Until I met you, I was afraid of love and afraid to love. The difference is who I love. You make it worth it. I want to be happy for a change. I want to know that even if the worst thing happens, we had it all. If we catch Ben, and put him behind bars, then we can live this life for the blessing it is. I pray we have fifty years, or more. If we only have two weeks, two days, or two minutes, I want it to be right here in your arms. I don’t take marriage lightly and I know you don’t. When you said you wanted to marry me, there was only one answer. I want you to be the man that I give myself to for the rest of my life. Not one night, but always. ‘You’re my knight in shining armor, and I love you. You have come into my life and made me whole.’ I am even happier now than I have ever been, with anyone. If I could choose, I’d marry you right now.”  Her smile backed up the meaning and the significance of what she’d just said.

Adam responded with an embrace, and instead of kissing Renee, he placed his head on her forehead, and his tears spilled onto her face. “I’ll talk to the guys as soon as we’re done here. If you wanna get married tomorrow, we’ll get married tomorrow. I don’t wanna live a second more of my life without you next to me, in every sense of the word.”

“Adam, you keep talking like that and you’re gonna get us in trouble! Let’s get this done, so we can make plans, okay?”  He nodded and they went to check messages.

. . . . .

“Here’s what we think will work. There’s an Inn in Old Savannah that does elopement packages. They’ll set the whole wedding up, preacher and all, and all you have to do is show up. To get there, Matt and Terry will take a truck in front. Adam and Renee will be in the middle truck. Will and I will be in the rear truck. Kathy and Joan will be riding with Adam and Renee as well. Ned and Larry are staying here to watch the houses, and a Deputy will be keeping an eye out as well. We need to move out about 0530, unless that’s too early for Renee. We have to be there by 1000. We’ll have extra time to eat, gas up, all of that jazz, and outmaneuver should the need arise, and still get there in time. Everybody good? Any questions or other issues we need to address? No? Let’s get Adam and Renee married: Marine Style! OORAH!” Joe finished talking as the whole group said “OORAH!” together.

Thunder Storms (#1 - Semper Fi Series)Where stories live. Discover now