Part XIV

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They were up and out at 5:30 on the nose. They were so excited, they couldn’t sleep. Adam and Renee had talked on the phone most of the night. She couldn’t believe this was real. She probably wouldn’t for a few days. She couldn’t take her eyes off Adam as he drove. He’s too good to be true. She turned the radio on, and hummed along to the song that was halfway over. Then “It’s Your Love” by Faith Hill and Tim McGraw came on. Adam beamed as he sang along, and the ladies in the backseat just giggled, remembering their own romances with their husbands. Renee held his free hand as he drove and rested her head on his shoulder. She could stay right here for eternity.

The envoy pulled over for a quick stop. All the vehicles stopped and went together.

Renee and the other three ladies went to the restroom while the guys filled up on gas and coffee. 

“Another hour and we’re there. Renee, we’re almost there.” Adam couldn’t contain his excitement as they piled back into the truck. Neither could Renee for that matter.

The time flew by with every song on the radio they sang.

“Renee, do you have a dress?” Kathy asked as they neared Savannah.

“No ma’am. I’ve never been one for fancy things. I’ve always been a rough and tumble tomboy. I brought a nice pants suit with me, though.”

“Well, you’re not wearing it.” Kathy demanded with a smile. “Instead, I’d like you to wear my wedding dress. We’ve been married for twenty-five years and you look to be about the same size I was when Ned and I married.”

“Thank you so much, Kathy. I really appreciate your kindness since we’ve been neighbors, and especially now.” Renee said through joyous tears. Why am I crying so much lately? She pondered to herself.

Joan was next, and she offered Renee her string of pearls to wear. Joan had worn them on her wedding day. “Thanks, Joan. You and Larry have been like second parents to me. This is the best day of my life.” Renee caught a few tears with her fingers, and smiled bigger. The anticipation and excitement made her more nervous than she had been when they left the house this morning.

After forty-five minutes, they arrived in Savannah. Three and a half hours from home. The city was beautiful and an old Southern charm rested on every downtown street corner.

Adam pulled the truck up in front of an old Colonial-style bed and breakfast Inn on Abercorn Street. On the same block was one of the biggest churches she’d ever seen in her life.

Adam helped her out of the truck and kissed her cheek before helping Joan and Kathy out, too. “Go get ready, love. I’ll see you soon.”

Terry, with her weapon concealed under a nice blazer, walked in with the ladies and began getting Renee ready. The guys had already secured the area due to the circumstantial threat. Renee was going to have her dream, though small, wedding and no one was going to interfere with her happiness today. Terry knew she and the rest of the team would put themselves in harm’s way if necessary to insure Renee and Adam were happily married today!

After fifteen minutes, a knock sounded on the door. “Renee, you decent?” It was Joe. She nodded to Terry to open it. He walked in with beautiful white and yellow roses, baby’s breath, ivy, and white satin around the bottom of the flowers. She started to tear up, and Kathy handed her a tissue. “Don’t ruin your makeup, dear.”

“You look beautiful, Renee. I was wondering if I could escort you down the aisle. Adam means a lot to me, and the whole team. We want to be a part of this with you.”

“Mr. Holbrook, I am honored to be escorted by you. Is it time?”

“Whenever you are ready, Miss Alexander.” He nodded and smiled. She almost cried at the idea that this was the last time anyone would call her by her maiden name.

“Lady” was what they both heard as she walked towards Adam, who was standing in the courtyard: the song that had played on the radio in the truck. Was that just yesterday? Wow, it seemed an eternity had passed. She was trying her best not to cry, for fear her mascara would make her look like a raccoon. Come to think of it, Adam had never seen her wearing makeup. She didn’t wear it to work; that was pointless. Obviously he loved her and not just her appearance.

Joe and Renee quickly reached Adam, who beamed, but Renee saw a glisten in his eyes that echoed the emotions in her heart. She kissed Joe on the cheek. “Thanks, Joe. Adam’s got a true friend and brother.”

“My pleasure. Now, make him happy!”

“I will. I promise.” She hugged him and he gave her hand to Adam.

“You, love, are breathtaking.” Adam whispered

The preacher, a nice elderly gentleman, began the ceremony. “Are you ready?”

Adam answered, “Yes.”

“Do you both come of your own accord to be married?”

“We do.”

“Marriage is not to be entered into lightly. It is a lifelong commitment and a vow before God. Are you willing to work through this life’s struggles together, and solve problems so that you honor your promises to God and each other?”

“We are.”

“Very well. Adam, do you take this woman, Renee, to be your lawfully wedded wife for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health? Will you love her, honor and protect her, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?”

He smiled, and wiped a tear from her cheek as he said, “I do.”

“Renee, do you take this man to be your husband for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health? Will you love him, honor and obey him, forsaking all others, as long as you both shall live?”

“I do.” She smiled and whispered, “I love you.”

“As you have made your vows before God and these witnesses, I pronounce that you are husband and wife. What God has joined here, let no man try to dissolve. Adam, you may kiss your lovely bride.” A feeling of complete joy filled both of them as he sealed their vows!

The hotel provided wedding pictures, champagne and a small cake for a reception of sorts. They were staying in a very beautiful suite for two nights. The others would be staying in rooms throughout the inn and would be nearby if needed.

After a little while talking with everyone else, eating cake, and even dancing a few dances, Adam whispered to Renee, and she nodded with a blush and a smile. “We’re gonna go now. Thank you so much for being part of this. Thank you for doing this for us. You’ve helped us do the most incredible thing we’ve ever done in the worst situation, and made us the happiest we’ve ever been. You’re family! We love you all!” Hugs and handshakes made their way around the gathering before they were able to leave the reception.

Adam looked at Renee, whose face radiated the love she felt for him. “Ready, love?” She nodded, and whispered, “I’ve been ready for longer than you know.” The hotel photographer asked to take a picture of them one more time before they went up the elegant hardwood antique stairs that led to their suite.

. . . . .

Antique wood furniture with red and gold accents in the linens, curtains, and carpets, a claw foot bathtub with matching material for the shower curtain, and a French door with a balcony overlooking one of the sixteen squares Savannah was famous for, welcomed them.

“Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life, Mrs. Hartman.” Adam said, as he circled his arms around her and pulled her into his embrace.

“Hmm. That sounds wonderful. I didn’t know we were staying overnight, so I didn’t pack anything.” Renee informed him between kisses.

“Sweetie, you’re not going to need much!” He said with a chuckle and a kiss to her collar bone. “But, I had Terry gather some things for you so we could at least eat in the dining room, if we wanted to. But, I intend to keep you busy for a long time.” He brushed a rogue strand of hair from her cheek with his thumb.

She smiled and said, “Mr. Hartman, I was thinking the exact same thing.”

Thunder Storms (#1 - Semper Fi Series)Where stories live. Discover now