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So I woke up a normal day with my parent fighting about who knows what ,I got dressed in a MGK sweatshirt and black sweats (ring ring ring)
I pick it up it was my bff quincy he's awesome with hes blue sky eyes and dark brown hair he has practically has every girl in school swooning over him
Hi how are you- me
Nothin - quincy
Why is that your parents yelling again you gotta get out of there- quincy
Yeay I know - me
Meet me at the vault - quincy OK the vault is a place the roof of the school that what she calls it
No quincy I can't I have to keep away from there-me
I hopping up and started tip toeing down the stairs when I heard my dad screaming and I headed to the door, the door slam i started walking down the stairs again I got down there my dad was standing at the door way
Where are you going - he asked arms crossed and stared at me.
Well I'm going to school - looking down fiddling with my fingers
No your not - he said he grabs my waist and flings me over and I land on the glass coffee table he walks over he sees that I have a glass shards of glass in my wrist he kicks me and keeps hitting me with his broken beer bottle I can feel ever slice he makes he finally let me go but I had to go up stairs to clean my self off and cover the wounds there was still a big blood stain on my sweat shirt I finally walked out and I seen my ex across the street
Hay do you need a ride- he asked me in his raspy voice
Um sure don't try anything -I say
Yeah I'll do that - he said I walk over limping
Holding only a 35 lb backpack
Hay all you all right - he said
Yay I'm alright leaning up againts every thing
No your not, yes I am , he lifts up my shirt and he black and blue marks all over my body I look down and see all of the brusius your not going to school today- he say
Yes I am - I said
Alright then - he said
I climbed on the back of his motorcycle in pain he grabs my thigh and pull me closer
Hey why did you do that -I asked
Cuz you don't want to fall off do you - he said
Yeah - I said
Who did this to you- he asked looking back at me
Its I don't want to talk about it- I said
He started driving I always felt safe around him like a force field around us whenever we come in contact I held on tight and started crying I think he notice.

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