Part IV: Tokyo Gakuen & The First Task

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Previous Chapter Summary: Sakura devises a plan to acquire the apartment space they've managed come across.. although things went into a shocking turn as the landlord seemed a bit too familiar? Lee!? On top of that, her plan had utterly failed! Nevertheless, thanks to Sasuke's pretty boy face, the two of them still managed to find a roof above their heads in the new city they were inhabiting. After much discussion, Sasuke and Sakura come up with the conclusion of attending a school in order to make connections and eventually navigate their way out of this world.

A/N: It's been quite awhile, I know, and I thank you for the patience! Part of the reason why updates have been so slow is because I keep changing the direction of the story, and I didn't want to post anything until I had it all figured out. I think I'll be sticking to what I have in store right now, so stay tuned for more! The other reason is because you know, life is a real thing, and I do enjoy living it outside of the internet.

** An OC has appeared in this chapter! I normally don't like using OC's because I feel like it takes away the realism of the original story, but since they aren't in the Shinobi world, it's only natural they'll run into many new people right? Because, I mean someone needs to eventually make Sasuke jea-

Well. Enjoy!

Naruto © Masashi Kishimoto


The following morning, the two of them had planned to set out earlier in the new city they had just made home in. The reason was so that they could scout out the school Sasuke had come across in the brochures down at the lobby of their new apartment. Without further hesitation on the busy sunny morning, they were especially thankful to see that it wasn't too far from where they were staying.

"It's this place." The Uchiha peered out from behind the tall, thick tree along the cement sidewalk. "It's the one I came across in the brochure."

Likewise, the pink-haired girl also stuck her head out from the adjacent tree, giving the large building in front of them a thorough scan. Tall steel-black gates circled the perimeter of the giant, glass architecture in front of them. Sakura's mouth nearly dropped to the floor at the luxurious sight. The thing was huge! Even bigger than the Hokage's headquarters! Man.. modern civilians had it good.

Instead of ogling the same sight, Sasuke's eyes fell among the large crowds of uniformed students both chatting and laughing as they entered the property through the main gates. The students blended in with eachother in a sea of black blazers, some looking years older while others seemed to be just entering middle school. He studied them carefully for a few seconds.

"It's a good thing we made ourselves look more presentable to the people of this city. We would've stuck out for sure."

Sakura tore her gaze off the institution, nodding her head at the Uchiha in agreement. She looked down at herself, noting the thick-strapped white tank top she wore in addition to her knee-high dark pants. She decided to leave her pouch of weapons at home.. yeah, it was probably better off that way.

Her eyes then wandered over to the Uchiha, who on the other hand, settled with a plain black V-neck he had found in the closet of the businessman's house and a pair of grey joggers. For a brief moment, she was in awe at how different he looked as a civilian that blended in with the humans. I mean, don't take her words out of context but, he seemed so.. harmless. Like he couldn't hurt a fly, or even attempt to kill her for all that mattered.

Well, not that they were capable of anything in this world. It was a strange sight, but there's no denying that he looked good as always.

"Now that we've tracked down where the school is, it'll be easier for us to observe up close before we-"

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