Chapter 19

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Hey Guys 👋🏻 sorry for the late update. There was a family emergency so we cant update the following chapter. We hope in this following chapter, you would enjoy. Anyways this is chapter 19 and the pic above is
Sasha Pieterse as Alison. the mother of Nick's so called son. 💓🎉


Nina POV

It's been a month now since i last saw Nick and truth to be told, i miss him everyday. On a better note, Serena and i had bonded very well for these past week. You could say we are best friends by now.

Right now, i am jogging in central park since i got nothing to do. I jog around the park, and i saw birds flying, flowers blooming, the skies shone brightly and couples and families having fun with each other. I smiled at the thought that one day i would finally have my own family with Nick to love and cherished. What am i thinking about?

In the middle of the jog i stopped, and sat on a bench to calm myself. As i was doing so, my phone rang. I saw the caller ID with disappointment it was my mom. Not that i hate my mom, but i am not in the mood to hear her tantrums. And some part, actually a big part of me wish it was Nick.

wow.. did i just say that?

yeah you did.

"Hello?" i asked.

"Nina darling, i need you to come home right now." she replied.

"Okay, is there something wrong?" i asked worriedly.

"Yes there is." before i could even reply, she ended the call. wow, what a great mom i mentally said. With a sigh, i stood up from the bench and head back home.

Once i reached my penthouse, i saw my mother and Nick's mother sitting in living room talking intimately. I cleared my throat since they haven't realised that i am here. When i got there attention, i smiled awkwardly towards them.

"Hi mom, Hi Mrs Archibald." i greeted.

"Nina! finally you came!" my mother greeted back. We did our formalities and i finally have the courage to ask the question.

"So, what is the emergency?"

"We decided, that instead of putting your wedding next spring, we are going to put it by the end of the week!" Mom said happily.

I was in awestruck. The end of the week  that meant in three days! HOLY SHIT!

"Are you insane?!" i burst.

"Nina your tone." she scolded.

"Is there something wrong Nina?" Mrs Archibald ask.

"Not to be rude Mrs Archibald, but why do you think it is a good idea to fast forward Nick's and I wedding?"

"Honestly, you yourself know that our business is not doing well, and we also can't wait any longer." Mom replied

"Our business is not doing that badly, sales only fell by 1.5% for Vanderwoods Hotels! We can still stay put in the market even without this absurd wedding." I exclaimed.

"Nina..," mom tried to calm me down which makes me angrier.

"this is my wedding not yours so please stop interfering!" I snapped.

"Nina, be reasonable, it is  obvious that you and Nick are meant to be with each other. So why won't you want to marry Nick?" she asked as if nothing was wrong.

"Because, Nick and I are no longer together for god SAKES! We broke up! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST GIVE ON THIS STUPID WEDDING?!"

They did not bother to reply me so i continued, "If this was because of business then yes i would do this, but we do not need any extravagant wedding. All we need is to sign legitimate papers and thats it, Nick and i would go on our separate ways."

"Whatever the reason is Nina, i do not care. Your wedding is in three days and thats final." she replied firmly.


"No but's Nina. Now Francesca and i are going to leave." my mother said as she took her purse.

I watched both of them heading out my apartment, and i saw Nick's mother gave me an apologetic look. She knows that once my mom had made up her mom, no one could change it. Once the door closed, i screamed and groaned loudly. I can't believe mom would do this to me.

She changed so much. She chose the company instead of her own daughter! What kind of parent would do such a thing. I flopped down my bed and scream internally. That was when i realised, did Nick know about this? Did he agreed to this? Questions began popping in my head.

Without thinking, i picked up my phone and dialed his number hoping he would answer me. 

"Hello?" he answer groggily. I could hear someone said, "who calls at this hour?"

"Nick, it's me Nina. We need to talk."

"What about it?" he yawned.

"It's our mom, they pushed our wedding in three days."


"Nick? you still there?"


"WHAT?!" he yelled.

"Jesus Nick, my eardrums." i muttered.


"Hey buddy, if i knew i would explained it to you. But sadly, i know nothing,"

"Fuck.." he muttered.

"Look, i dread this wedding more than you, but i can't do anything. My mom is stubborn and once she made up her mind, nothing could change it."

"There's gotta be something.." Nick said. I could hear a female voice from the other line saying "are you seriously going to marry that slut", "you have a child to be responsible for".


Well that turned awkward drastically. My heart was pang with hurt and jealousy. So he was with Her all this time. I do not know what is worst. This or my marriage.

I cleared my throat to get Nick's attention on the other line and said, "Uhm, i guess we should talk about this later. since you have more important things to do."

Before he could answer, i ended the call. Why do i feel hurt? Why do i feel jealousy towards him? I should not feel this way. Nick has a son, and we are not in a relationship. Nor do i have any feelings for him.

But why do i feel this way? Why those it hurt so much? How can one person hurt you so much? I was caught up with my thoughts that tears began rolling down my cheeks.

I was crying not only because of Nick's and I relationship. But i was mourning of the pain i've been feeling since the plan of the marriage occurred. I hate for the fact, that my life is controlled by my parents. I hate that i could not fine peace throughout this.

And most of all, i deceived Nick for not only cheating on me, but getting a women pregnant. Everything was perfect until this happen.  I do not know what to do anymore.

I am completely lost. Do i still want to stop the wedding? Yes. But i have no clue on what to do. I could not ask Nick's help since he was busy with Alex and that Slut.

To say i was hurt was an understatement. No one understands my feelings. Not even Scott nor Serena. What am i going to do?

I cried my heart out and let all my feelings out of my system. I knew one person who would understand me, someone who would be willing to help and listen to all my misery.


I have to find him.


Dont forget to vote and comment ! 🎉😃

- twoasiangirls 👸🏻

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