George Weasley (February the 14th)

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By RAYofunshine. I have a huge crush on book George.

-(Y/N) -Your Name
-(Y/H) -Your House
-(Y/S/F/H)-Your Second Favourite House
-(Y/F/C) -Your Favourite Colour
-(Y/F/S) -Your Favourite Scent


"George." I say, walking up to my tall (handsome) significant other.

"Yes, (Y/N)?" George asks, looking up from where he and Fred seem to be concocting a new scheme. They have emptied the contents of a dark red bag onto the table, and I can see a small purple ball, a misshapen pastry and a small ring with tiny jewels along some of the circumference. George gets up when he hears my voice. He kisses me on the cheek and says:"You look happy."

Probably because it's my birthday. "Um." I fiddle with the locket around my neck. "Do you know what day it is?"

"No." He raises an eyebrow, and I can see concern creeping subtly up his face. "Should I?"

"Yes." I keep fiddling with the empty locket, the locket he gave me exactly one year ago, when he started dating me. It was my birthday and Valentines Day last year, and so today is my birthday, Valentine's day and our first anniversary. But no big deal or anything. "Well, I guess its fine if you really don't-"

"Babe, can I talk to you later?" George turns as Fred whistles urgently and makes violent hand gestures. The purple ball is slowly releasing a blue smoke.

"Why? Why is now not a good time." I cross my arms in the attempt to look fierce. I know that I am probably failing.

"I'm...a little busy right now." He bites his lip.

"Fine." I uncross my arms and huff away. "Goodbye George."

I walk down the corridor quickly. How could he have forgotten?! He should have remembered at least one if the reasons why the 14th of February is so special. 'Oh well.' I think.

The first lesson of the day is potions. I cheer up a bit because in today's lesson, (Y/H) is paired up with (Y/S/F/H), which should be a lot of fun.

We are put into groups of 4. I end up with a nice (Y/S/F/H), and, as fate would have it, Fred and George Weasley.

George and I won't talk to each other. Fred and the (Y/S/F/H) girl start flirting with eachother. We are left to do the potion.
George pours a small vial of thin, watery (Y/F/C) liquid into the cauldron.

"That's the wrong one." I smirk, happy to have something to hold over his head.


"You need the blue one." I take a (relatively) clean tissue from my pocket and try to use it to soak up the liquid. This only causes the tissue to set on fire (the flames are (Y/F/C) too). I remember that I had the tissue in my pocket yesterday when someone spilt butter beer on me in The Three Broomsticks.

"You could have used magic." George points out. Being a muggleborn, ~NB:Yeah, so you are muggleborn~ I have not grown up alongside magic.

"I don't need to use magic for everything. Did you ever think that some people who weren't born into magical families acquire physical skills like cleaning up messes by hand?"

"I'm sorry, I was just suggesting..." George sighs, and we both turn to the cauldron. "Those flames are actually really pretty."
"They are." (Y/F/C) flames curl around the tissue, and they smell like (Y/F/S).
"I'm sorry." George hugs you.
"Me too." I kiss him on the cheek. Snape looks our way and I add:"We should try to finish this potion before Snape kills us."
Snape walks over to us, looking kind of perplexed. "Those flames...I've never seen liquified dragon eyes do that before." So that's what the vial contained. Out of the corner of my eye, I see George pocketing the vial. "Very interesting."
"(Y/N) mixed the dragon eye liquid with a bit of butter beer on a tissue." George says.
"Fascinating." Snape says. "You have failed this assignment though."
"That's ok." I take George's hand when Snape reaches his desk. "It's just a stupid number."
"We fascinated Snape." George gasps in mock surprise and we laugh. We turn back to the potion, where Fred is now kissing the (Y/S/F/H) girl.

The rest of the lessons that day are uneventful, except Transfiguration, where Fred accidentally turned my deskmate's nails into tiny spiders.

Later that evening, I am sitting in the common room. It's around 7:30 pm. Nobody remembered it was my birthday, or my one year anniversary. I did, however, find 15 chocolate frogs in my pocket (I have no clue how they all fit in there). But I love chocolate frogs, and I am currently finishing my fourth when someone comes up from behind me, and puts their hands over my eyes.

"Guess who." And familiar, and badly disguised, voice asks.

"George." I smile.

"Let's go on a walk." He says. I nod and try to remove his hands, but he says:"No, no, no, you don't get to see anything until we get there."

"Fine." My smile broadens into a grin. "Just don't do anything weird to me."

"Weird? Who, me?" George snorts. He places one hand over my eyes and holds my hand with the other.
We walk though a corridor, which is weirdly quiet. We stop and I hear a complicated knock. The door creaks open slightly. "Password." Fred whispers.

"I don't need a password, I have her." George hisses. My mind is going dangerous places when I hear Fred respond:"Oh, fine."

The door creaks open. I hear quiet whispers and giggles. George walks me though the door and towards the people.

"Three. Two. One." He pulls his hands away and I see that I am standing in the centre of an unused classroom, surrounded by basically every Hogwarts student I know.
"Happy birthday!" They shriek wildly, and I smile.

"I didn't forget." George whispers into my ear, and I turn around and kiss him. He plonks an oversized party hat onto my head and I laugh. I am surrounded by everyone I love on the best day of the year.

The small purple balls are nestled in George's hand. He whistles and jumps as they puff out streams of blue smoke which spells out:"Happy Birthday (Y/N)!!!".

"Cake!" A third year yells, and points to 2 massive cakes which are balanced in a long wooden table, chocolate and Victoria Sponge.

After an hour of crazy party games, lots of cake, and a first year accidentally transforming somebody's plate into a fish, George pulls me aside."I have something I wanna show you." I nod and he adds:"You're not allowed to see until we get there."
"Fine by me."

Once again, George covers my eyes with one hand and takes mine in the other. He leads me...outside. The air is colder. I can hear party goers still screaming in the distance. Crickets chirp. "Wait here." I stand still and George says:"Now sit." I obey, and he removes his hands free my eyes. I are seated on picnic blanket. Snacks lie in small clear bowls. Overhead, large jars are filled with the odd (Y/F/C) flames from before, illuminating the moonless night.

"It's beautiful." I gasp.
"So are you." Geore smirks. He leans in and we kiss, and when he pull away, he takes your hand. He slides the bejeweled ring I saw earlier onto my pinky finger.

"The small purple balls were in the party, and this ring is on my finger." I start, twisting the ring around. "So what was the pastry for?"

"I was hungry." We both laugh. "So did you enjoy today? How have you enjoyed this birthday/anniversary/Valentines Day combo?" George pours out some butter beer into two cups.
"It was the best." And I mean it.


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