Draco (Yule Ball Fairy Tale)

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Written by Aals05

"What are you looking at?" Draco sneered. I snapped back into reality, realising I had been staring at Draco for at least two minutes.

"Nothing," I mumbled and stared at the floor instead.

For as long as I could remember I've had feelings for Draco, but due to me being a socially awkward introvert, I was pretty sure he didn't even know my name. I've run over possible scenarios for how I could introduce myself a million times, but it's too late now. It's my fourth year at Hogwarts and I've hardly spoken to him, any chance of my fantasy happening died a long time ago.

~~~le time skip~~~

Apparently there's this celebration called the 'Yule Ball' and everyone from the 4th year and higher has to go. Because of this, we're in professor Snape's class learning how to dance. I silently prayed that I wouldn't be partnered up with Draco, it would be amazing, but I'd probably look like a tomato with two left feet. Since destiny hates me and Professor Snape can probably read minds, I was partnered up with Draco.

"I refuse to dance with Y/N,"my heart sunk at the immediate rejection. I glued my eyes to the floor so he couldn't see the glistening of my eyes.

"Mr Malfoy, I do not care about your preferences. But if you insist, you can dance with me instead." Laughter filled the air, if he ended up choosing Snape over me, I'd never hear the end of it.

"Fine," Draco quickly walked up to me, grabbing waist and positioning me correctly. "You can't dance properly if you're looking at the floor," slowly I glanced up, trying to mask the pained expression on my face with that of a perfectly neutral one, but clearly it didn't hide the single tear stain down my left cheek. "Were you-" Snape cut him off and started the music.

"Okay everyone, dance in time with the music."

I gazed deeply into his eyes, ignoring everything around us and focusing on the steps. I've never been this close to him, I could smell his intoxicating cologne and feel his hands around my waist and on my shoulder, it sent shivers down my spine.

"You have beautiful eyes," a blush spread across my face while a shocked look took over Draco. "I didn- I... bye," Draco fled out of class as soon as the bell sounded. I slowly walked back to the Slytherin common room, smiling sheepishly. (To make my life easier, you're in Slytherin)


There were two days left until the Yule ball and I didn't have a dress or a date... Life seemed to enjoy making me suffer. At least I had Hermione to help me search. The lucky fish had Viktor Krum ask her, how's that fair?

We searched for hours, trying on various things while I ignored her complaints about shopping for this long. In the very last shop, we found them... the perfect dresses. She looked absolutely gorgeous and I knew Krum wouldn't be they only impressed one. I frowned at the thought of the ball, I would give anything to go with Draco, but somehow Pansy convinced him to go with her and I was left alone.

"Hermione, do you think Harry would take me?" she smiled mischievously at me

"Ooh, do you fancy him?" I nearly choked on my butterbeer.

"Never in a million years, but I do need someone to take me or I'll look like a lonely person in the corner. "I do not, I repeat, DO NOT fancy Harry... Could you ask him though?" She laughed and nodded her head,

"We'd better head back, it's getting late."


It was the night of the Yule ball and excitement filled me to my core. I was all dressed up and felt like the Queen, but maybe less amazing.

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