Chapter Eighteen

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Shadows danced across Ashlyn's face as she ran beneath the cover of the trees. Each step, each snap of a twig beneath her feet, took her closer to the place she once called home.

This was going to be the biggest test of her life. Could she really retake her kingdom? It wouldn't be so hard to convince the people of her father's incapabilities, but Gareth? They ate up everything that snake said. Somehow he'd managed to gain their trust and now it was Ashlyn's job to show them the truth.

She had few allies in Astrum - Margaret, a few loyal servants, and maybe she could find those who had suffered Gareth's wrath before - so her first job would be gaining more. Luckily, she knew exactly who to ask.

The princess had never been close to her family, in fact, she'd hardly ever seen them. Her father couldn't stand the sight of them after her mother's passing, He said it was too painful.

If she could get them to help her, she knew they could help her convince the other nobles. Once she had their support she could finally remove the plague on her kingdom that was Gareth of Dolosa.

Her feet moved swiftly as her mind raced. Dodging some rocks and exposed roots, she tried to retrace her steps and determine how to get back to her kingdom.

Left turn. Right turn. Jump. Duck.

She hardly registered the world around her as she ran, the wind blowing her hair wildly around her face. She was so focused on the challenge ahead and the careful moves she'd have to make, that she didn't notice the man leaning against the tree to her right.

Her feet came to an abrupt stop, nearly causing her to fall over, when he whistled.

Once she'd regained her footing her head spun in the direction of the unexpected noise and her eyes locked with the last person she expected to see.


They simply stared at each other for a moment before Ashlyn's eyes began to scan her surroundings, debating whether or not she had a chance of outrunning him.

"I wouldn't try it." He said casually, clearly recognizing her thoughts.

"I'm not going with you." She ground out between clenched teeth. "So you can either leave or-"

"Or what?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "You'll kick my ass? Doubt it, princess."

"There's no harm in trying." She flashed him a grin that told him she wasn't backing down anytime soon. Surprisingly, he just laughed.

"You know," he said in between chuckles. "I see it now." He looked at her again and broke out into another fit of laughter.

Ashlyn rolled her eyes before giving in. "You see what?" What could possibly be so funny?

"I see why you're their mate. I have to admit, it shocked me at first but now," He stuck his arms out and gestured to her. "It makes complete sense."

"Listen, I don't have time for this. I'm not coming with you, and I don't care about the fact that you've had a realization for probably the first time in your life!" She yelled, grabbing his attention and finally ending his annoying laughter. "I'm leaving." She announced before turning and storming off.

He didn't respond, but she heard the crunch each of his steps made as he followed her.

When he reached her side, she spoke first, "Look, if you already told them where I am there's no point in following me. I'm sure they'll be here any minute now."

Just when she had hope that she'd escaped and was finally going to accomplish something, he had to show up. The dark blue dragon who'd stolen the heart of a girl she'd believed to be her friend. The right-hand man of the two princes she'd started to trust.

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