My parents left me behind when I was ten. They fought all the time, more than usual when dad would drink. On my tenth birthday,was t.he worst. Mom was out getting me a present when she came home to dad not being there. She asked me where he was, I just gave her a puzzled look. She went ahead and made my cake. I remember her calling, Kellie, come blow out your candles. My tip tapping feet scurrying happily to my mother. I whispered "For it to be me and my mom ONLY", I blew out the candle and smiled. Dad busted in through the door, as soon as I opened my eyes. He held up two plane tickets to California. Mom smiled and ran into his arms. That night she tucked me into my bed and read my favorite story. When I woke, no one was there only me. I searched everywheres but no one came. Silence took over and I was Left Alone
The candle lit room, flickered against the scratched walls, paint peeling off. Every word she spoke sent echos through the abandoned house. I quivered in the eerie silence. It was the one hottest nights of the summer, but this place felt like it was still winter. Halli, Paige barked, bringing me to reality, telling me to show no fear, no pain, it will only attract them.
Paige was laying out the Ouija Board, the bold black numbers read 0-9, the alphabet just above it. Yes and no in the top corners and goodbye at the bottom. The sight of it even gave me goose bumps. On a corner if the planchette I placed two finger, Paige did the same.
Paige started to chant Ouija Bored, Ouija Bored, is anyone out there. The planchette started to move towards the yes. I looked at Paige, rolling my eyes, letting the words flow out of me " You moved that yourself ". Her gaze met mine, with a no fear in her voice she quickly replied "no I didn't". She continued to ask "What is your name". The planchette moved to and from the letters "K" "E" "L" "L "I "E", Kellie. "How old are you, I asked". Seconds later she replied, with the number 10. Before we could ask another question the planchette started to move quickly. I kept up with the letters though. "B" "E" "C" "A" "R" "E" "F" "U" "L", "I" "M" "W" "A" "T" "C" "H" "I" "N" "G", be careful, i'm watching.
I was begging her to stop, but she went on asking questions. Like she was drawn to the board. I screamed for her to stop. Paige leaned in my face, breathing out the words "Only a couple more questions", she taunted. The air became stiff as she went on asking more and more. Kellie stopped answering and Paige just kept repeating her question, "Is it scary, why we should be careful, come on tell me, do it".
Paige, Paige, PAIGE, I hollered. She never once met my gaze. I stood up, taking my fingers off the planchette. Paige's voice became scarce, Halli put your fingers back on the board, you'll let out a demon or something worse. Just put your fingers back on and we will say goodbye. I sat back down, placed my fingers on my corner and said in a fearless voice "Goodbye Kellie". The planchette moved away from the goodbye and started to spell. "T" "O" "L" "A" "T" "E" "N" "O" "W", To late now.
Paige's eyes became full of fear, but not mine. This was all total bunk. A breeze sent a chill up my spine, and the hairs on my neck started to stand straight up. A child's laugh filled the room, and the candles blew out. My heart started to pound when her voice echoed in my ear, "Halli, isn't it". I could fill her breath on my neck.
Paige, if thats you then stop, it's not funny, but she didn't reply. Only heavy breathing and whimpers came at a rapid pace. PAIGE, I yelled even louder this time. Only silence filled the room. I stood, in the the darkness thinking of what to do. I searched the floor for the matches. Lucky for me I found them, i lit a candle. All the candles shot up in a sudden flame. The room started to gain a scent of blood.
Deadly Games...
HorrorOuija Board, deadly factor. You can't burn it, can't trash, forever stuck with the Wigi Board. As you tremble and let go, that's when you become mine. Ill let you run and see how far you get and then, next thing you know i'm back.