Part 7: what could have been

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Where am I? Am I sleeping? Whats going on? I hear giggling so I turn around. I see... is that ME?! And some brown haired little boy... okay this is weird. Were so small.

"ETHAN! COME HERE!!!!" little me screams to the little boy. Ethan? Wait... What?!

"IM COMING KATIE!!" Ethan yells back. Oh my god. We're we friends when we were little? How did we not know this?? Ethan leans in and kisses little me's cheek. I gasp. Oh my Lord. We were together. We... we dated before now. Does he remember?! How do I get out of this dream/flashback thing im in? I pinch myself and I soar back into reality. Was that real? Did that stuff really happen?

I stand and try to find Ethan. I go into his room.

"Ethan... we need to talk." I say, sitting on bis bed.

"Wheres Sadie?" He asks, sitting next to me.

"I dunno. But I really need to talk to you." I say. He places his hand on mine.

"What is it?" He asks, concerned. I look him in the eyes.

"Did... did we date when we were little?" He looks shocked and swallows hard.

"Uhm... the truth is.. yes. We did. I was hoping youd forget forever." He says, a tear slipping out of his eyes.

"What? Why? Why are you crying?" I ask, wiping his cheek.

"Katie... one time we were at a creek and I kissed your cheek. You stood up to kiss me on the lips but then you slipped into the creek and hit your head. I called my mom over, frantic. She helped me grab you, but you were knocked out cold. An ambulance took you to the E.R. They said you might not wake up. I visited you every day but when you did wake up, you didnt remember me at all. Remember that one video I made about missing an old friend? That was about you. When you asked who I was, I couldn't handle it so I moved to maine. Im so so sorry I didnt tell you about all of this before." He startes sobbing loudly. He looks at me and my mouth is wide open and there are tears streaming down my face. He grabs my cheeks and kisses me. "Im so so sorry." He says sincerely.

"I-I-its okays..." I say shocked, kissing him back. "Thats all in the past." I say, calming down. He takes my hand.

"Im such a horrible person for not telling you." He says, burrying his head in his hands. I pick his chin up so hes looking at me.

"No. You arent at all. I understand why you didnt want to tell me." He crys even harder. "Baby, dont cry. Please. I cant take it." He calms down and hugs me. "Im not mad at you at all. I... I like you too much to stay mad for long." He kisses me and the pulls away.

"That means so much to me... you have no idea Baby." He states, calmly. How could you stay mad at him for long? Oh right.. you cant. He doesnt know it... but I love him.

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