Rabbits all round ~ Imy

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Imy's POV

I’m excited. I thought I wouldn’t have a good birthday after everything that has happened and it just wouldn’t be the same as it use to be but the animal crew had changed all that for me. Today on my birthday of all days I get to meet them. I also had to bring my rabbits along which I got recently because the animal crew which consists of Zana, Emily and Emma are god mummies to them.

I know they may sound like too many god mummies and there are more but the animal crew are mainly the most important. The animal crew are mine and I couldn’t be happier doing anything else on my birthday then this. I found myself arriving at Victoria Park with my rabbits in the cage I was holding.

I took a slow walk through the park searching for the swimming pool. I’ve never been here before and I’m seriously lost right now. My rabbits were bouncing around in their cage which made me grin.

“I know you two are excited so am I. It’s the biggest day of our lives,” I said as I finally spotted the swimming pool up ahead. I had left early to get here in plenty of time. It’s best to be early to these things then late.

I looked around and looked at my phone. I had got a text from Zana a little while ago. Maybe I’ll take a stroll around the park and then they might be here. I set off from the swimming pool and onto the path that led around the park. I put in my headphones and whistled to myself to The Wanted.

I noticed people either giving me a weird stare or looking at my rabbits but I carried on my way. I really wish they were here already I’m just too darn excited right now. I still can’t believe this is happening or that my mum had dropped me off at the park and she said she would be back later. My mum is protective of me.

I nearly did the lap of the park and wondered if they would be here yet when I saw them up ahead. I couldn’t believe it. They are here! I put my cage down and ran towards them and I flung my arms around each of them in turn and stepped back grinning.

“I can’t believe it,” I said excitedly.

“You better,” laughed Emma.

“We have a little bit of a surprise for you,” said Zana.

“Wouldn’t call it little,” laughed Emily.

“Ok so a surprise then,” smiled Zana. Zana looked over to the bush as someone stepped out from behind it. I felt my mouth drop open and my body limp for a second in complete shock. It couldn’t be could it? It’s Nathan from The Wanted.

“Imy are you alright?” asked Emma.

“How, you... Nathan?!” I screamed.

“He is an old friend of mine and I knew you would love to meet him,” said Zana.

“You’re all amazing doing this for me,” I said happily.

“Are those your rabbits?” asked Nathan.

“Oh yeah they are want to meet them?” I squealed.

“I would love too,” smiled Nathan. I ran over to the cage and picked it up. Nathan followed over and I opened the cage.

“Be careful they don’t jump out but you should be able to stroke them without them biting you,” I said to him.

“Good to know,” he said as he stroked them. I looked around to find Emily, Emma and Zana had gone. They did that on purpose didn’t they? Oh well I’ll moan at them later but for now I got Nathan to keep busy.

I closed the cage back up as we walked down the path. “So Imy you like rabbits?” he asked.

"Yeah I love them and Im the rabbit in our animal crew,” I began.

“You’re the Rabbit Zana told me. I think you suit a rabbit,” he grinned.

“And why is that?” I asked. I always ask questions and say what I think. I guess that is just the way I am.

“Because I think you’re a very loveable person but from what Zana has told me you can go crazy sometimes and rabbits do that when there bouncing all over the place,” he laughed and I laughed along with him.

“Yeah I think your right there,” I said bumping him and he bumped me back.

“So what are you doing here apart from Zana probably forcing you?” I asked him.

“I’m just visiting but I will be leaving soon,” he said to me.

“Oh wait you’re going back to America?” I asked him.

“Yeah I am,” he said looking at me as we stopped sitting on a bench so I could put my rabbit cage down.

“When will that be?” I asked him.

“I’ll be going back in about four days,” he said to me.

“Oh not here long then,” I said to him.

“No but I do come back and if I have a reason to come I will come more often,” he said to me.

“That’s cool,” I said.

“You like The Wanted then?” he asked.

“Yeah I love all your music and you are my favourite,” I said happily.

“So seeing me today has made your day?”

“It really has. Thanks for coming even if Zana did force you and all. I’ll make sure to tell her not to do that again,” I beamed at him.

“Maybe I want her to do that again if it’s for you Imy,” he winked at me.

“Oh really,” I said looking at him.

“Yeah of course I wouldn’t say it otherwise.”

“Let’s go find the animal crew,” I said as I got to my feet.

“Let me carry the rabbits,” he said as I went to pick it up but stopped when he spoke.

“If you really want too thanks.”

“Yeah I want too,” he said as he picked them up and we headed back the way we came and as we found Emma, Zana and Emily a bit later all sitting at the Swimming pool Nathan slipped his hand into mine.

“Sorry about wondering off,” said Emily.

“Must have got lost,” said Zana.

“Well actually I sort of dragged them off as I saw some fit guy,” smiled Emma who made us all laugh.

“I’m taking your mum will be back soon,” said Zana.

“Yeah probably so why don’t we go have some fun,” I said and everyone agreed.

“Imy, before we do... here,” he said passing me a sheet of paper with his mobile and email address.

“Why you giving this to me?” I asked him.

“Because I’m gonna want to see you again,” said Nathan. This birthday would never be forgotten and it’s all thanks to my amazing Animal crew.

~ Written by Emma

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