A Birthday Surprise ~ Zana

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~Zana’s Point Of View ~

As my phone constantly buzzed under my pillow, I blindly searched for it with my eyes closed, lifting it out once I came across a rectangular object, my hand slightly flinching from the freezing temperature of it. I held my phone directly above me, the harmonious melody of the alarm drifting into my ears and livening me up. I really should change the alarm because it’s too soothing to wake me up. The only thing that wakes me up is the vibration it causes.

I slowly opened my eyes, my screen flashing down at me and instantly closed them again but tighter this time. I moved the phone out of my face and opened my eyes again, allowing myself to adjust to the lighting surrounding the dimly lit room before turning to the screen again. The melody went on and so did the flashing. I smiled as I read the screen out loud.

“TAC meeting,” I croaked in a raspy voice. Thank God no one was in my room to hear me. My voice is just so unattractive in the morning. Below the screen also flashed seven-thirty indicating the time it was in the morning. This gives me just about four and a half hours before the actual meeting.

I stopped the alarm and sat up on my bed. I placed my phone beside me on the double bed. Sounds luxurious right but no, I have to share the bed with my younger sister and countless times wake up with her big toe up my nose. Luckily, today she was already awake, probably watching some tele downstairs. I silently thanked God for not finding my sisters foot on my face this morning before I picked up my phone and scrolled down to a certain name that brought a fresh new smile to my face. I composed a message:

Happy Birthday Beautiful

Can’t wait to meet you, my sexy Rabbit

Love you, your Kanga x

I sent the text to Imogen, her name Imy in my contacts list. Imy is a very good friend of mine and that’s just how we talk to each other. You see, we met through Wattpad, a writing website where we shared the love for The Wanted, then came our sharing of love for One Direction.  On Wattpad we have a group, a group called The Animal Crew (TAC) and it consists of Imy, Emily, Emma and me. We all spoke on Wattpad separately but one way or another got to know each other and became a group. All the animals designated to each member are in response to our personalities and Imy happens to be the rabbit. One day we promised to meet each other in real life and that’s what we’re doing today. We all come from different parts of England where I live in London. We’re happening to meet in London, Victoria Park to be exact.

“Oh, how I can’t wait to meet them,” I squealed excitedly to myself as the text sent. I scrolled back up on my contacts lists and highlighted both Emma and Emily next where Emily was under the name of Teddy. I composed a message to both of them.

Hey girlies

I’m so excited to meet you all

I have a surprise for Imy as a pressie but shh..

Don’t tell her. Hehe.

Can’t wait to meet you, Teddy and Puss Puss

Love you both, Mother Hen

You see, Emily is the teddy bear due to her kindness and willingness of giving hugs. She’s always there to help you out and Emma, well let’s just say cats like to be perfect and the annoyance she displays due to her own typos are just too hilarious.

I sent the text and gleamed with happiness as I hopped out of bed, throwing my phone onto the bed where it bounced twice before laying there. I began to hum count on me by Bruno mars as it’s TAC’s song as I danced into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. More of the toothpaste was around the perimeter of my lips than actually on my teeth since I danced so much. It didn’t bother me though and two minutes later I rinsed my mouth free of the minty paste and smiled at the mirror above the sink. White teeth glistened at me and dark, chocolate orbs narrowed their eyes at me. My black, hair frizzed around me.

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