Letter XVII: Purpose

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 I must say, my dear friends, that there is a deep disease that is corrupted into the hearts and minds of the people around us, including inside of us. Although it is not confined to religion, for purposes I will call it the "religious mentality". It is a mentality in which one believes that all that they know is good and all they are is good and that all must be like them in order to be good. It is a belief that strives people to not be something that they are in pursuit to become something that they can't. They believe that this world, their life, even creation itself, is not enough, and we must do something about it. In a way, this perpetuates the selfish agenda of every single person involved, although none would admit to their selfish agenda.

We have seen many times throughout history in which one person, or even a group of people, have tried to impose their laws and sense of justice and righteousness unto the common population. All too often, that moment of utopia is short lived and comes at an extremely high price. Soon after, the utopian world crumbles underneath itself and shows itself ineffective when dealing with the millions of many minds and hearts of the people. There is not a single 'one size fits all' for all the people of the world. We were made to be unique and different. Although unity is to be treasured, conformity is the greatest crime upon all of humanity. Outside of the physical killing of a person, the spiritual killing of the person through the means of subliminal conformity is the greatest act against humanity that another person could ever do. It is to, in essence, tell that person that their soul is not good enough to be loved, not good enough to live well, and not good enough for God. The idea of original sin is the greatest mental corruption that has seeped into the minds of many; the idea that we were created fatally flawed and that somehow God made a mistake making us (although God remains perfect).

For those who have ever attended to a doctor's visit, they know simply that it is the doctor's job to diagnose a problem then propose a solution for it. But what if there is nothing wrong with us? Would we ever find the need to see the doctor?

This is the formula for religion: "There is something wrong with you... You need what we know / offer in order to be well.". But what if the idea was implanted that there is nothing wrong with us in the first place? Would we ever need religion? The argument could be made that it is a common consensus that there is a great flaw to the human race... but in what comparison? Is there another human race in which we can compare ourselves and say "It is clear that we are not living like them, therefore, there is something fundamentally wrong with us". As far as science has discovered, we are the only human race in all of the known universe. It wouldn't even be fair to compare ourselves to other alien species, because it would be the same as saying there's something wrong with a cat because they're not as intelligent as a human. What if we were simply meant to be human? What if our perceived flaws were actually not flaws at all, but part of the human experience? What if the concept of good and evil and morality were only a ploy through the religious mentality in order to make people conform to their individualistic ideals and lifestyle?

It is clear that Christianity is the predominant religion that is throughout the world. Many Christians believe that their religion is the true religion, and that God resides only through Christianity and through the Truth of their religion. However, many still say that the world is evil, corrupt, blackened with scars, and completely disordered. My friends, I ask this question: if the world we live in is filled with majority of Christians (as it has for many centuries), then why hasn't the result of Christianity improved the world? This proposes only two logical conclusions: either that the religion of Christianity is flawed (which many are not willing to admit to), or that, if Christianity is true, then the world is already what it should be, and nothing more. If majority of the world are already Christians, then majority of the world is, in theory, living as they want or should be through the teachings of the Bible.

This ideology feeds into politics as well. Many political activists and followers believe that their government, their country, would be better if only either the majority of the country believed what they believed / did what they did, or even if the whole country were to conform in unity to this one human-created ideal, then it would end all unnecessary pain and suffering and make their government / country the best in the world. But as history has showed, even the great powerhouses of governments and countries have eventually fallen, only replacing one type of disorder to another type of disorder.

The "cure" to humanity cannot come from man. For this, it is impossible. It would be like the patient becoming the doctor and operating on themselves. My friends, if there is indeed a curse upon mankind, it is one that we either cannot escape, or we cannot escape by our own hands. In a turn of paradoxical ideals, it either takes the idea that there is either no curse upon our flesh or being, or that this eloquent solution is beyond our limited knowledge and understanding and cannot possibly be defined by one belief or religion. It is foolish to believe that mankind could ever define God and become the one spokesperson for the entirety of the human race. One person cannot possibly represent all of mankind, since every person had a different and unique soul within them; one that can only be connected by the fact of a shared existence that we have with one another.

This is why I believe it is dangerous to follow any type of religion or religious ideals, because it teaches the idea that we need something outside of ourselves in order to define ourselves. We ourselves are undefinable, just like how God is undefinable. I cannot possibly properly define myself in regards to another person. I might take note of the similarities and differences between me and any other given individual, but I cannot define them as much as I cannot define myself wholly. Because of this, any attempt to come to any accurate conclusion about what I should or shouldn't do or what they should or shouldn't do becomes irrelevant. I cannot, with precise accuracy, define anyone who is outside of myself, therefore, I cannot properly diagnose them. People define themselves. They believe themselves to be a certain way, then they begin to live life to justify such belief. There is no universal cure all for human beings, because every person is different, and every person had a different diagnostic about themselves. Even if there was as one cure for all, not all would conform to that idea, since it is human nature to be different, even if it is one person who remains different from all the others. But it is this variety of differences which makes the human race so vibrant and accelerating. If all the world would only play one instrument, then we would never know the sound of a full orchestra or know how the beauty of different instruments and sounds mix together beautifully.

My friends, be weary of any attempts to try and conform you on any level. Many will come to you to try and conform you to the idea if their religion, their politics, and even their lifestyles. The person you are is meant to be. That is all you need know and to believe. There was never meant to be two of you but only one.

Of those who are struggling to find purpose in your life, just know this simple fact: The fact that you exist is your purpose. The fact that you are and that you have made who you are is your perpetual purpose. Your ability to occupy a certain space and time, crossing through multiple spaces and times throughout your lifetime is your purpose. There is nothing greater and higher in understanding this simple concept: You are your purpose.

I wish peace upon all of you, my friends.

- Janis the Seeker

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