Questions and Answers

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    Lawrence, Lina, Nira, and the long-bangs girl sat on the couch. Merica sat in an armchair and Zach was on a smaller couch sitting next to Marie.
     "Marie," Lawrence began, "Can you get Tristin from the training room? I think he should be here for this conversation." Marie nodded and left through the door opposite from the one to the mattress room.
     "Zachary, I understand that you brought this girl?"
    Zach nodded, "Yes sir. I remember you saying that we might need reinforcements-"
     "So you brought in a random girl from Perilstan?" Lawrence interrupted.
     Zach hesitated. "Ok, I admit," Zach admitted, "That may have been a LITTLE BIT reckless...?"
     Lina face palmed, "Little bit...?"
    Zach rolled his eyes. Marie walked back into the room with a guy who looked about 15. He was tan with longish blonde hair and startlingly vivid purple eyes. He had on a loose blue tank-top and black athletic shorts. He glanced at nonchalantly Merica, then around at everyone else.
    He sighed as he took a seat on the smaller couch next to Zach, "Do I even want to know?"
    Marie sat next to him. Merica didn't understand how he was so chill about the whole situation. Like seriously, who sees a random stranger in their house and acts so... unphased? "Who are you?" She asked him.
    He raised an eyebrow, "You know, I was just about to ask the same thing."
    "This is Tristin", explained Lawrence,"And this is the girl Zachary brought here to possibly help us."
    Tristin looked at Zach with a confused expression, "Can I ask why you brought some girl into Legal Spells?" He glanced at Merica, "and how he convinced you to go into the home of a suspicious looking stranger?"
     Merica shrugged, "I'm like 88% sure I could take you guys out. No offense."
     Lawrence laughed, "Well somebody has an awful lot of confidence! Young lady, Merica was it, you have no idea what you're talking about."
     "You have no idea what I'm capable of." Merica said defensively.
     Lawrence took care of several teenagers, and if there was one thing he hated it was back talk. He stood up, "You want to join Legal Spells?" Merica was silent. She seemed like a complete brat. "I'd watch my mouth if I were you."
    Merica nodded. "Yes sir. My apologies..." These people might actually be able to give her a better life. She couldn't just blow it.
     "Look kid, I already don't know if I can trust you." Lawren told her.
     "I'm sorry" Merica said.
     Lawrence shook his head, "It's not your actions that I don't trust... it's your mind"
    Merica raised an eyebrow, "Excuse me?"
     "What's wrong with her mind...?" Asked Zach, glancing at Merica suspiciously.
     "I can't read it." Lawrence stated bluntly, "She seems to have some sort of incredibly strong mind blocker."
     Merica was confused. "What do you mean 'read it'? And what's a mind blocker?"
     "Oh give it up!" Lina exclaimed, "how do we know you're not lying? Lawrence, she could be a government spy!"
     "What if she works for Slayerman directly?" Marie added.
     "She's a complete stranger. Not being able to know what she's thinking makes this even more sketchy." Said Trsitin.
     "I have no idea what's going on!" Merica exclaimed.
     "Have you ever heard of the name Dayamore?" Asked Lawrence.
     Merica shrugged, "I think it might've come up in one of those stories about the old kingdom"
     Lawrence nodded, "The Dayamore bloodline was a group of people who could hear the current thoughts of the people around them, unless that person had what we called a mind blocker, which well... blocked off their mind. I've taught all these kids how to put up a mind blocker, but not one as intense as the one you have. I can't hear your thoughts like I can other people's which is very alarming."
     Merica was still confused, "So... I have a mind blocker? I swear, I have no idea how it got there..."
     "She's lying." Lina spat.
     Zach glared at her, "Geez, can you just give her a break!"
     "She has a point Zach" Nira admitted.
     "This whole situation is just too suspicious" Tristin added.
     "Children!" Lawrence exclaimed. Everyone shut up immediately. "Now, someone could've put up a mind blocker on your mind if they knew how... do you know of anyone who might've put one up?"
     Merica couldn't think of anyone who had that kind of- wait. There was one person... But she couldn't tell these people. It was too personal. Besides, it was a long time ago...
      "No." She replied, "I don't know of anyone who could do something like that.
     Lawrence stood, "Well she doesn't seem like she's lying. Merica, let's go see just how powerful you are."
      "You can't be serious" Lina muttered.
      "I'm curious to see how this goes" Tristin admitted.
     "Alright then!" Lawrence exclaimed, "To the training room!"

     Lawrence opened a door on the right wall of the living room. It lead to a hallway that had walls made of what looked like black flexi-glass. (Flexi-glass is a strong glass material) They all walked down the hallway together, single file of course.
     "Crap." Tristin muttered, "I forgot to pick up the boy system after I left the training room"
     Lawrence shrugged, "It's fine. I was going to show it to Merica anyway."
     "Bot... system?" Merica asked.
     Long-bangs girl smirked, "Oh you'll see. It's awesome. Designed it myself."
     "Delilah is like, a tech GENIUS!" Nira explained, "

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2017 ⏰

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