Why Iris

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Finnian Iris Veniamin

He had taken after his mother genes when it came to height but his fathers when it came to facial features

Fianian was an artist. Never bothered by sports. Always found reading books,writing poetry, painting a picture and fiercely dancing tango.

What he liked the most? Playing the piano to his little brother as a lullaby. The two brothers had an unbreakable bond. Unable to be snapped or bent.

Talon liked to creep into his room silently to see him in his natural state with an easy smile,shoulders slumped as he casually sketched in the dust and smoke filled room

Then he would turn his head and motion the younger brother to come and sit with him. Talon eagerly would rush into his room and sit on the bed.

"Hey brother did you see Marc-Lucas last night as well?"

"Oh you bet I did, my little dove"

He said. Talon knew by the scattered papers all over his room with sketches of different poses and attires all of the same man. The same spirit that belonged in Fin world alone


"He was as welcoming as ever. I hope you meet your guardian soon Talon"

Talons eyes would snap at the bandages around his brothers wrist. His brother damaged wrists from all the cuts. Fresh and old.

Than at his. They looked oddly pale and sealed. Unmarked, unclaimed. He longed after his brother image.

No matter how rotten that idea was

Fins phone ringed that day and he saw how quickly his brothers facial expression changed as he picked up the call

"Hello love" he would reply and Talon would know he was talking to his fiancé.

He had once caught Fin with him. Just a glimpse. The man had silk like blonde hair reaching his shoulders. But that's all he saw as his brother advanced to the man and started kissing him

So Talon gave them their privacy. Talon thought what his brother did was wrong. He didn't know how. It just was.

At the same time he found himself getting depressed. Of how perfect, how loved his brother was. Unlike him. Talon was a nobody. To himself and everyone around him

But he was used to this emptiness. He was numb to it by now.

Finnian however, always going through a roller coaster of emotions couldn't handle sad days easily. So he would immediately go to Marc-lucas. It didn't matter if he used astral traveling to see him or if Marc Lucas would come and visit him in spiritual form in his room.

He just had to see him. Fin had less and less time for Talon. And whenever they talked Fin would only try to persuade how amazing the world he lived in and the religion he believed in was.

But one day, Fin said something that's still lingered in Talons mind. They were sitting outside at their beloved forest. If you went deep enough you could find a running lake. That's where they would usually talk

And so While he smoked yet another cigarette Talon was meditating. Emptying his already empty mind. Relaxing. Finding the ultimate zen.


Fin said that day

"I want to be with Marc-Lucas forever"

Talon slowly opened his eyes and turned his head back to look at his brother now making a crow out of the yellow grass. It was autumn

"You will be. He is your guardian after all"

"Yes. But I want to be with him more. And I found a way"

Talon glanced at his brother and smiled. He knew how deep Fins emotions were about the spirit.

"I'm happy for you?"

"Do you promise to always be? Knowing I'm happy too?"

Talon grinned and nod



And of corse. Talon was the first to find his brother that horrible morning. The morning he committed suicide. Talon fell to his knees with a loud thud and started crying hysterically.

I could have stopped this

Why didn't I pay attention at what he meant

It's my fault I was so careless

That's how's it were for a long time. Blaming himself. Crying at night. Having to endure it all. His parents took it even worse. They stopped smiling. No. They never once smiled again.

Talon left home. He knew he wouldn't be missed. He understood the feeling. The only person really missing was his brother

Finnian Iris Veniamin


True enough a guardian wouldn't ask for ones life. They would do everything to keep them living. To protect them from harm.

Talon looked down at his bandaged wrists. Hot tears run down his cheeks. Marc-Lucas was a demon.

Dax was a demon.

They rituals,the sacrifice. All for nothing. He got deceived just like his brother had. The tarot cards. Was he really just good at reading them? Or was it the demon whispering to him the needed answers ?

It all made sense now

Why his brother was obsessed. Why he found dull his blonde handsome lover. Why he always felt the need to spill blood and carve symbols on his arms. Deals for a demon

It all made sense now

Why Marc-Lucas never visited him. His brothers soul was good enough.

It all

Made sense now

Why Dax Refused to tell him anything about his brothers death. About how he always brought him to that field of grass.

Talon kept crying audibly, sobbing and trying to wipe his tears

But he was cared for

Maybe his brother knew he was getting tricked by a demon. Maybe he summoned a demon and baptized the ritual as paganism to lure him in too. To show him how to find someone to always be by his side

Talon was lost. He felt an arm been wrapped around his shoulder. He was been crushed against Cadis lean frame. He breathed in sulfur and leather. Smoke and ocean. And he cried again. The clean scent of ocean.


Cadis helped him clean up his mind. But was the truth what he wanted to hear? No. He wanted to believe he was loved by Dax. Because who else

Would possibly love someone like me ?

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