That morning is when it happened... When Rythian met his new enemy... When magic was used for the worse... The morning when Blood showed up...
It was a normal morning in Blackrock, everyone was eating breakfast when BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! There was a knock at the door. "Foan, Dregtay, come with me. Freya, Angelica, Zoey, you guys stay here." Said Rythian as he walked towards the door with Dregtay and Foan following him. Rythian hesitantly opened the door. "Ah hello you must be Rythian." Said the Stranger. Rythian was making sure this stranger couldn't see Foan or Dregtay. "Indeed I am. So who the hell are you?" Asked Rythian. "I am Blood." Replied the stranger. "I was sent here to retrieve you for a meeting." "And if I refuse?" Asked Rythian. "Then this will happen!" said Blood as he grabbed Rythian and yanked him from inside of Blackrock. Dregtay Drew his diamond sword and Foan summoned his golden staff with a gold mushroom figure at the top. "What the hell?!?" Screamed Blood. In all the commotion he had managed to knock Rythian out and was carrying him on his shoulder. Foan cast something from his staff. "hraaaa!" All of the sudden a GIANT hollow mushroom formed around Blood and Rythian. "Damn it!" Screamed Blood. WHOOSH! Fire blasts all around the mushroom and started burning it down! A whole opened and Blood jumped out. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Dregtay's blade smashed into Blood's armor. SLSHINK! Dregtay's blade slashed a cut in Blood's face starting under his right eye and traveling down to his chin. During all the commotion Zoey, Angelica, and Freya came outside. To see Dregtay plunge his blade into Blood's chest. Blood sprayed out. "No!" Screamed Freya. "Blood!" "Wait you know him?!" Asked Foan. "He's my brother!" She cried.