The Hunt

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Freya's wounds had been healed. She suffered from a danger strike to the arm, leg and stomach. Dregtay called in the best doctor he could find. He payed him handsomely for medical potions, herbs, oils, ointments and even a spell book page of healing. "She's going to be fine." Said dr. Aranos. "She just needs time to heal." "Thank you." Said Dregtay. Foan and his mushrooms went on a hunt for Blood.

They had been hunting all day. The mushrooms could sense his footsteps in the soil but the rain was washing it away very fast. The trail was going cold then Foan remembered something. The pearl! If they couldn't sense the footsteps anymore they can still sense the magic! He told this to the mushrooms and tried to sense it himself. The scent was very powerful. They were back on track.

Freya regained consciousness. "Oh my glob I was worried sick about you!" Said Zoey excitedly. "How long was I out?" Asked Freya. "Around two days." Responded Dregtay. "What happened?" Asked Freya with confusion in her voice. "Blood cut you three times and escaped after I healed him." Dregtay answered. "Foan and his mushrooms are hunting him down right now." "No!" Screamed Freya. "What?" Asked Dregtay confused. "Blood.. When he attacked me he took something, something important. He took a fire amulet. It allows him to cast the most complex and powerful fire spells with ease." Freya said with sorrow in her voice. "And if a mushroom hybrid and a gang of mushrooms are after him then they don't stand a chance. He'll burn them to a crisp!" She is crying at this point. "Damn it!" Screamed Dregtay. "Zoey, go get Rythian and Angelica and go save Foan! I'll stay here and take care of Freya. Go!" With that the three set out to save the king of the mushrooms and his followers.

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