相信自己 ( Believe In Yourself )

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" Believe you can and you're halfway there."-Theodore Roosevelt




    学校的通知行响起,我准备听到谁赢了比赛。" 最后,约翰·海耶斯赢了画画比赛!" 班级里面的每个人都在拍手,恭喜我。我笑了。我知道,如果我有试,我就会有个机会我会赢比赛。

如果你觉得你做不了一件事,那就要一直试。就算一些事情对你来说太难,但是你还是要相信你可以。说不定你相信了你自己,你已经做完了半个事情。为什么不要试,如果你眼前有个机会呢? 至少试一下,这样到了以后,未来,你不会后悔。相信你自己。如果你不相信自己,什么事情也做不好。你相信自己,每个事情都会成功。


    I want to win the contest. Everyone is working hard on their drawing. Everyone want to win the art contest...I do too. But once I look down, I see this awful drawing. I tried hard, but it seems more horrible. I throw away my paper and decided to start the drawing again. I want to win the contest, and let my parents and teachers feel proud of me. 

  I take the pencil and begin to draw what I wanted to draw. I used my time wisely and try hard.  I know I can win this contest. I look down at my drawing one more time. I'm halfway there, all I need to do is color.

  After 20 more minutes, I'm finished. It's really the limit amount of time left. Everyone put their drawing on the teacher's desk. They are going to tell us who win tomorrow. And I'm kinda scared about who's going to win.

   The announcements go on, and I am ready to hear who won the contest.  " And the award that goes to the best artist: John Hayes! " Everyone in the room clapped for me. I smiled. I know that if I at least try, there's a chance I can win. 

If you think you can't do something, keep trying. Even though something's hard for you, still believe that you can. Maybe when you believe you can, you're already finished half of it. Why not try if there's a big chance right in front of you? At least try, so in the future, you won't have regret. Believe in yourself! If you don't you can't do anything. If you believe in yourself, everything will be a success. 

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