Bf and Gf Clothes swap

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Me: *walks into my house* Oiaho EveryO- WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE?!?! *Sees the couples in their bf and gf's  clothes*
WendyTheNiceOne: Michelle~san didn't you know today is nation swap clothes with your bf or gf?
Everyone (expect for me): Yeah! And we followed the tradition
Me: This is not a good day to still be single *sighs*
NatsuTheIdiot: Dont worry you'll find your true love soon!
LucyTheSpirtMage: Yea!
Me: *mumbles* you guys would understand I have no boyfriend *looks at Rouge* WHAT THE HELL ROUGE
RougeTheOneWhoWishesToHaveAGf: I have a girlfriend now so you might as well change my name
Kagrua: What did she call you?
Me: I named him, RougeTheOneWhoWishesToHaveAGf
RomeoTheLeftOutBoy: Can I just say that the boys has to wear a dress and/or a skirt
Me: Romeo your lucky that wendy wore shorts today *draws a picture of Wendy in shorts for no reason at all* oooooo this gives me a great idea. Everyone stand in a straight line! Across from each other not behind you got it?!
Everyone (expect for me :v): Yes Ma'am! *Stands in a straight line*
Me: *gets out phone and takes a picture* Yes! Now I can redraw this!
CobraTheChocolateStealer: Dont I look sexy now Michelle?
Me: *throws a chair at him* Thats what I think!!
Kinanna: *laughs*
Niko(My OC): *Walks in my house* Hello everyon- WHAT THE HELL!
Me: Introduce my friend Niko blah blah blah I'm going to start writing chapter four for romeo and wendy| A rowend story. So..... DONT DISTUB ME GOT IT
MiraTheMatchmaker: Whats the chapter called
Me: *gives some additude* Go read chapter three yourself!
Everyone (expect for me): So rude
LaxusTheDumbass: What happened to the cracked ship mage? That always used to laugh at the boys pain
Me: Go look in the dump you'll find it
Everyone (expect for the rude person in the room): Ouch that stung
Me: Go ask wendy to heal your burns!
ErzaTheWarrior: What happened Michelle your normally a cheerful girl?
Yukino: Michelle are you sure your ok?
Dragonslayers(expect for me :( :v): Shes giving off alot of magic energy
Everyone else that's not a dragonslayer: We feel it too
Niko(Still my OC): Im just going to leave *leaves*
Evil Me: Grrrr *dark aoura* My my I never thought that it'll have to come to this Go ask your grandma's to bake cookies for you guys oh wait you don't have any parents anymore!!!
WendyTheNiceOne: Look at michelle~san's eyes
Levy: she probably half evil half nice mostly on this day she becomes evil since she doesnt have a date
GajeelTheOneWhoCantSing: Shrimps right
LucyTheSpirtMage: Do we stop her with magic?
WendyTheNiceOne: I wouldn't take a risk you could end up dieing just trying to
RomeoTheLeftOutBoy: I agree with Wendy
Everyone (expect for Romeo wendy and me): we agree as well
(I made this chapter yesterday June 15 and chapter 4 is already out)
Me: *stops being evil* This is still not a good day to be single
WendyTheNiceOne: like Natsu said you'll find love one day
Kinanna: Yea, do you like anyone Michelle
Jellal: With her being a strong mage she might have one there's a 50% chance of her having one
CobraTheChocolateStealer: Do you guys remember Niko the guy that just left?
Me: Dont you dare finish that sentence Cobra!
Everyone(expect for me and cobra): Yea
CobraTheChocolateStealer: Well she actually has a cru-
Me: *kicks cobra* If you finish that sentence you are dead!!!
CobraTheChocolateStealer: She has a massive crush on him
Everyone (expect for me and cobra): No wonder she was acting mean she just wanted him to notice her
Me: *blushes madly* N-no! That w-wasnt an act! That was pure anger!!! Mostly because I have no one who loves me just the way I am *mumbles* stupid ex boyfriend jay(Still my OC).
LucyTheSpirtMage: Well all of us are going to an amusement park wanna come Michelle?
Me: Sure why not I have nothing better to do expect for writing my fanfic
WendyTheNiceOne: Michelle~san it's going to be fun! So don't worry about anything!
Me: Alright fine! Unlimited dragonslayer out!
Everyone: Bye readers!!
CobraTheChocolateStealer: Im still sexy
Kinanna: *giggles*

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