Back to school, facing libby

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BEEP BEEP BEEP you wake up slightly hungover and exhausted from last nights party. But hey at least it was Friday. You look to ur side and remember brad was there. Oh crap. You remembered all the things that happened last night. You nudge brad softly. Brad get up its time to get ready for school. You whisper in his ear as he slowly wakes up. O-oh morning he rubs his eyes. I need to go back to mine my school uniforms there. Before you say anything he rushes out quickly and makes his way home. You finished eating ur breakfast so you brushed ur teeth and did ur makeup and left for school. You lived about 5 minutes away from school so you just walked.

You arrived at school walking through the school gates. You saw Libby and her mates glaring at you giving you dirty looks. But you didn't let it phase you. Not for now. Ur friends came up from behind you and scared you. Y/n we heard what happened with brad! Libby's going crazy about it! Another friend says yeah y/n you are never getting drunk again! They laugh but you don't find it funny. Listen girls, Libby's got all of her mates on me. It's not a joke you frown as you pull them off ur back and walk on into registration.  Registration ends and it's now time for ur first lesson. Drama. You had to work in a group with Libby and brad. Well this isn't going to end well... you walked into ur drama class and there you see Libby and brad holding hands. Libby glares at you -oh y/n we are going through our script today and perfecting anything that isn't good, try not to get in brad and i's way. We know what we are doing unlike some amateurs in here such as you. She turns away and turns back again. Oh and by the way don't go near my boyfriend, he's with me for a reason. She goes over to brad and holds him close. God you hated her. Why must she be so salty and controlling? You read over ur script when you noticed brad leave the room to go to the toilet. You saw the look on Libby's face. Like she wanted him to leave so she could speak to you alone. She moves closer to you- don't think I've forgotten what happened at the party, you slag. I never forget things. Oh and by the way ur outfit was horrible. The sort of girls like you should not associate with intelligent beautiful girls like me. She flicks her hair from off her shoulder. Yes Libby was pretty, but she was a bitch a real bitch.  Libby- don't just stare at me! I told you don't you dare go near my boyfriend. Half the school already knows how desperate you are. Brad comes back into the room as she moves away and smiles hey babe. You really wanted to slap her....

I can't believe what I did for love. Bws✨Where stories live. Discover now