I'm Gonna Make You My Bitch

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Ch. 6

"So Jack, how is it you found your way to the Wolf House anyway? Did your father send you there or what?" Jason questioned in an attempt to break the ice with this atypical half-blood.

Perseus shook his head, "It was my mother who told me to go to the Wolf House. My father has never really been around. He left me with some relatives who raised me, until now."

Jason nodded slowly. "So, how old are you? Around fifteen or so?"

Perseus nodded. "Yeah. I guess my mother thought it was time for me to come to camp, not that those monsters were much of an issue when I was growing up, really." In the dark tone that he spoke those words, made Jason shift slightly, but then chose to ignore it.

"Yeah, they probably didn't bother you much. Children of Venus usually don't have that strong of a demigod scent." Jason agreed and Perseus seriously wanted to smack the condescension from his flaxen head; but he held himself back. At least he wasn't as bad as his father. Plus, it didn't exactly sound like an insult towards him (even though he wasn't even a child of Venus - but he made a good one, eh?).

Perseus chuckled flippantly and controlled himself. "That's not what I meant by my statement, but hey, whatever rocks your socks."

Jason raised an eyebrow but decided to not respond to that.

"Did you know that people with blue eyes are mutants?"

Well, that came out of nowhere. "I'm sorry, what?"

Perseus turned to look at Jason with an impassive expression plastered on his face. "What?"



"What did you say?" Jason asked in bewilderment - he had no idea why Jack had just told him that. Was he poking fun at him? All of the sudden, he became very self-conscious about his eyes, which was pretty damn ridiculous because he was acting like a frickin' girl.

"I don't know; what did I say, hm?" Oh, yes, so this newbie was making fun of him. He, frankly, did not know how to respond to that, so he chose to push his confusion away and continued to make light banter with Jack as he showed him around New Rome, yet he couldn't shake the irksome feeling he had met this kid before, but knew that if he had met this specific demigod, that he would have surely remembered - probably have it seared in his brain eternally, with that cynical and impish attitude.

Soon, it was nearing the time for his test, and Jason began to lead him towards the coliseum.

"If you want, I'll send out a weaker demigod to battle with you. It might help to make a good impression with the legion if you win a fight to start off. Most half-bloods suffer defeat in the first round, so making it past my cohort would be a good way to start off."

Perseus nodded as a small smile played on his lips, "I would prefer if you sent your best. If I'm going to make a good impression, I'd rather it be against the best you've got."

Jason lingered on Jack's words. "Well, that would be me," he said carefully, "but Centurions just about never chose themselves for the combats."

Perseus shrugged. "Well that's a shame, and I really wouldn't have minded smacking around that kid from earlier again."

Jason laughed a bit, "I think you caught him off guard. He's centurion from the second cohort. No one's made it to the second cohort since Reyna's test; I made it to the third in my test. Maybe if you get lucky, you'll make it to the third opponent. If you do, maybe I can make you my second in command. My other centurion is leaving the legion in a bit and you may be the ideal replacement as long as you put on a respectable showing in the coliseum."

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