Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

It had been a week since Henry had met Riley. When he went back to school the following Monday he learned Riley was a year younger, she was in 7th grade, so they didn't see much of each other, other than passing in the halls. There was also lunch, but she ate alone, and that's how she seemed to prefer it. Riley was certainly a interesting one he thought, she preferred to sit alone to read a book, and sometimes listening to music with her iPod. She was a loner, he was in her shoes just four years ago himself, he couldn't help but feel drawn to her and he didn't understand why exactly. As usual on his way home from school Henry stops by the graveyard to see Emma, he liked having somewhere to go to visit. After sitting telling her about his day, about his new project in English class he had to start that weekend, he headed towards the castle. As he reached the beach he sees a figure sitting on the platform of the castle, as he gets closer he sees its Riley, today was a hoodie and beanie day for her. He walks up and sits down next to her on the castle "We meet again" Henry says jokingly.

"We meet again Mills. So here again, did you want alone time?" Riley asks.

"No, sometimes being alone is no better than to many people around" Henry says then he takes the gloves out of his pockets and puts them on "so what are you doing here today?"

Riley raises her eyebrow at him "Just needed somewhere to go for a little bit. Not ready to go to my foster home is all."

"You don't like them?"

Riley shrugs her shoulders "Their not bad, just it doesn't feel like home you know."

"My birth mom was a foster kid, she never really told me much about her time in it, but I know it was tough for her."

Riley nods her "Can't say I know much about it, I can't remember anything before the crash, and I mean even the first few weeks after the crash are a bit fuzzy too but..."

"It's cool I get it." He looks out at the water, he understood why Killian loved it so much, it was peaceful to look at. "I visit her every day."

"Your mom?" Riley asks, checking she was right at what she thought.

"Yeah, I mean I know it's weird but I like having somewhere to visit you know. Before... well you know, I saw her everyday whether I would visit her at the station or if I was staying at her house or even at Granny's, I guess there is a comfort in having somewhere to go, you know?"

"And this was a special place for you two as well right?"

"Yep, the first time we connected was at the original castle."

"There was another castle?"

"Yeah, my other mom... well it's a long story."

"I get it, the whole evil queen thing right."

Henry nods his head and stares at the water again "Where you from there, the enchanted forest?"

"No idea, all I know is none of this whole magic thing surprises me. I feel like I knew about it but not sure how" Riley says with a shrug.

Henry wasn't sure what to think, how can someone's past be such a blur. "So I was thinking, since you don't want to go home, would you want to go to Granny's? I have a appointment in a hours so..." Henry asks.

"Um... sure, I could use something warm" Riley says with a smile.

The pair head to Granny's, along the way Henry pointed out about land marks around the town. They head into Granny's and sit down in one of the empty booths, and Ruby comes over "Hey guys what can I get you?"

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