Summer Daisy Covers :

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//Placing in you in this competition isn't hard.

Slots will be opened by June 15, 2017. (May be later or sooner)
There will be a max of 20-35 slots

You will be needing to fill in a short form through private messages or comments.
Have you ever made covers before?-
What do you rate your covers?-
What is your theme colors in most of your covers?-
How much time do you work on your covers?-

No copying nor cheating (if caught, you will be canceled from this competition)
Follow rubric
No disrespect to other's covers

How do I enter this competition?
1. Follow Me
2.Vote for at least one of my books. (Vote for one whole book)
3.(Choice) Invite others to this competition.
4.Fill form and send it to me.

When will this competition begin?
As soon as June 20, 2017 (May be sooner or even later)

Is there a deadline between rounds?
Yes, there will be but it isn't settled of when for each round.

Will there be rounds?
Yes, there will be 5 or more rounds to the competition.

How will you choose winners?
For each round, it will be different. For an example, some will be votes, fans choose, and etc.

Can we use photoshop?
Yes, you may but if you use someone else's photos, please give credit or you will be canceled out of this competition.

Can we try each round?
Sorry but no, the non winners for each round will be out of the competition.

Will there be prizes/awards for 2nd and 3rd place users?
Yes there will be, but they are settled in of what they will have.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2017 ⏰

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Summer Daisy Cover ContestWhere stories live. Discover now