"Pups its time for you to get some sleep." Dakota said. "Aww, but I'm not tired." I complained back to him. "You still need your rest." He replied leading us toward our room. Heather, my younger sister went to her nest and laid down to go to sleep. She had brown fur and golden eyes. I followed her and did the same, but I most likely wouldn't get any sleep."Goodnight." He whispered as he left the room. "Goodnight." We both called back.
I looked out the den opening in our room to see a shadow fly over the pond. The shadow looked like one of a bird, but it was to big to be one. I got up and looked out to see a black wolf with wings. The wolf walked around the other side of the pond then looked up at me. It's eyes glowed red and had an evil look to them. It made me feel worried and scared, but it also made me feel excited about what I had just discovered.
I ran to go get mother and father who where fast asleep in there nest. "Dad!" I yipped as I shook him awake. He woke with a jump. "What is it Echo?" He groaned. "Theres a wolf outside the den! It had wings and red glowing eyes!" I said excitedly. "Just go back to sleep Echo. It was probably just a dream."
"No it was real! It was walking along the side of the pond then looked at me!" I insisted. He sighed and got up. "Fine. Where is it?" I lead him to the opening only to find the wolf gone.
"Where did it go?" I asked myself and gave a confused look. "See its ok, now go back to sleep." He said as he limbered off. I gave a sigh of disappointment. "Ok, I guess your right. Goodnight Dad."
"Goodnight Echo." He responded as he left. As I laid back down I heard a howl. I still think that wolf is out there. Maybe I'll be able to meet it someday.
Midnight Or Mid-Day [HOLD]
FantasyEcho lived a normal life with her family. Until one night she saw a black winged wolf with red glowing eyes. Haven't messed with this in a while so I most likely won't update, but there is the chance that I will at some point.