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Lucy  POV

What was I saying I couldn't fall for Natsu he was Natsu the man hoe oh hell no.

Hell yes!

There was no denying it anymore there was something In my heart that I had felt for him.

But it isn't that strong.

Soon after that incident, I had put my shirt back on and now I was eating breakfast with him sitting on the stool leaning my arms on his marble-topped island in his kitchen eating up the omelet that he has made for me.

"I didn't know you could cook," I told him.

"Well sunshine you never asked,"

"But you don't come off as someone who would cook, I mean you are rich, I assumed you had someone cook all your meals for you, like your whole life," I explained.

"Well never judge a book by its cover; growing up my parent always taught us to do things ourselves, I mean we could go bankrupt with the snap of a finger."


I looked around he had a nice kitchen. There was a long marble counter above it was shiny wooden cupboards that looked freshly polished, and right in the middle sat an island the one that I was sitting at right at the moment.

All of his machinery was shiny and silver looking brand new.

I ate my food slowly savoring the nice taste on my tongue.

There was then a knock on the door.

"Natsu!" I heard a female voice call, one that I recognized, Lissana's

Shoot! Now she's gonna think that I'm with him, and she's gonna hate me.

"Crap! What the hell is she doing here, what does she want!" He yelled stomping over to the door opening it.

As he did her eyes met mine.

"What is she doing here." She asked looking at me like she was ready to commit murder.

"What are you doing here." He asked.

Her eyes snapped to him, realizing that she was shirtless she looked him up and down.

I rolled my eyes at her action.

"Ummm, cam we talk outside for a second, please?" She asked him.

He let out a big heavy sigh, it was evident that he didn't ant anything to do with her.

"fine." he said reluctantly walking out the door and closing it.

Natsu POV

"What do you want," I asked.

"What is she doing in your house?" She asked me.

"What are you doing in my business," I asked her. "Is there an issue with her presence.

"Yes there is your my boyfriend, " She said.

"Ex, and she's here because I invited her." 

She looked at me like there was some kind of hurt in her eyes.

"Look Natsu I want you back." She said sincerely but I know it's because she's jealous that I found someone else I could probably commit to.

"Look Lissana you cheated on me there is no way I'm taking you back."

"Natsu you can't deny you feel something for me I see it in your eyes." She told me.

"How could you mistake disgust for love Lissana, I thought that was impossible."

She looked so hurt when I said that, I almost felt bad.

"Look Lissana I LOVED you, but you hurt me and I'm over it trying to move on to someone else so it would be very nice if you left me alone!"







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