Chapter 6: The Intern

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"Oh great~" I groan. "I burned another bacon."

"What's going on?" Jinhwan comes running in to the kitchen. "What's with all these smoke?"

Jinhwan coughs and keeps waving his arms, trying to send the smoke away.

"God!" Jinhwan turns to our youngest. "Open all the windows, Dong-ah."

Donghyuk nods and immediately opens all the windows in the kitchen. We hear running footsteps coming our way and when we turn, the twins are already up and still in their pajamas.

"What are you all doing up so early in the morning?" I ask them.

"You actually expect us to stay in bed after all that noises?" Hanbin yawns then scratches his head, looking annoyed. "What's with all the ruckus anyway?"

"Mind your tone Hanbin-ah." Jennie scolds her twin.

"Sorry." I smile sheepishly. "I was actually trying to make you breakfast."

"You should've left that part of the job to the housekeepers." Jinhwan insists, crossing his arms. "Where are they anyway?"

"I uh... sent them away for today." I say. "Since the other twins are coming home tonight, i was hoping to have a luxurious dinner outside with all of us."

Jinhwan frowns even deeper. "Then you should've sent them later this afternoon. Seriously, you really like to stick your nose to someone else's business."

I bite my lip, feeling embarrased. He's right. Jinhwan's usually right with these kinds of things. I sigh. I just want to be a good brother to my siblings but clearly, i still got so much to learn.

"So, i guess there's no breakfast for us today." Hanbin yawns once again and starts heading back upstairs. "I guess i'll have to buy some on my way to school."

I sigh, feeling disappointed with my own self. Now i've seriously done it.

"Sorry." I apologize.

"It's okay." Jennie tries to console me. Ah! What a nice sister she is. "Eating breakfast outside once in a while doesn't hurt."

I nod towards her.

"You two." Jinhwan turns to Jennie and Donghyuk. "Go upstairs and prepare for school."

The two nod and immediately leave heading back to their rooms. I turn to Jinhwan and he starts to clean the mess i made in the kitchen. I don't understand it at all. In terms of doing houseworks, i'm no good but when i'm in my profession, i'm considered as a genius.

"Sorry Jinhwan-ah." I apologize again.

"Don't bother." He says. "Seriously, hyung? Don't do anything like this on your own again. It's dangerous."

I lower my head.

"You can always call for us and we'll gladly help you." Jinhwan turns to face me. "Don't ever think of shouldering all these responsibilities on your own. We're not kids anymore. We can help you."

I smile. I approach him and ruffle his hair. "You're right. I keep forgetting that you're all grown up now. Sorry."

Jinhwan scowls. I just laugh. I put my hand away and lean against the counter.

"By the way, i'm on duty tonight. I can't pick up the older twins at the airport." I tell him. "I'm hoping you could do it instead."

"Yeah, sure." Jinhwan nods. "But what about that luxurious dinner we're supposed to have?"

"Don't worry." I wink at him. "I have my ways."

Jinhwan rolls his eyes. "Ah~ I almost forgot. You're actually working in our hospital."

I smile.

At Kimshin General Hospital:

"You've arrived earlier than i expected Jinwoo-ah." Uncle Hyunsung sips his coffee.

We're currently inside his office. Doctor Jang Hyunsung is my dad's bestfriend and my grandpa's private doctor. After the two of them died, he took the liberty of raising me while my other siblings got sent to our other relatives outside the country. He's also the Director of our Hospital.

"Yeah, i was actually thinking of talking to you first before i begin my first day of internship here." I also take a sip of my own coffee.

"Really?" Uncle Hyunsung puts his cup down. "What is it? Is there anything i can do for you?"

I sigh. "Uncle, i was thinking if it's possible for me to keep my identity from all the staff."


"I don't want the other interns to think that i only got accepted here because of my connection to you or to my family." I reason. "I want to prove that i have the skills to be here."

"But Jinwoo-ah, all of your professors agreed that you have the skills and abilities to be admitted in one of the most prestigious hospitals here in Korea." The kind doctor frowns. "You don't have to hide your family background."

"But still, it would be easier if i keep it a secret from them. At least for now. Please?" I beg. "And no one actually knows my face. You sent me to boarding school right after grandpa died."

Uncle Hyunsung sighs. "Fine but you need to be careful. My son, Kiyong is also coming here for his internship."

I smile. "I will. He won't recognize me. It's been ten years since we saw each other."

"Oh boy! I just hope everything will turn out to be okay." Uncle Hyunsung slumps back to his seat.

"Oh! By the way." I turn to Uncle Hyunsung again. "I have a favor to ask you."

The doctor raises his left eyebrow. "I hope it's nothing weird and ridiculous."

I laugh. "No, ofcourse not. The older twins are actually coming home tonight. I already booked a restaurant for our family dinner tonight."

"Really? That's great." Uncle Hyunsung smiles. "Then what's the problem?"

"I have shift tonight." I smile sheepishly. "Can you uh~ do something about it?"

"No problem." Uncle Hyunsung winks at me. "I'll just tell them to move the schedule tomorrow."

"Really? Thanks Uncle."

"Don't mention it."

Then we hear a knock on the door. I flinch and look back where the door is. Uncle Hyunsung looks at me.

"Don't worry, i got this." Uncle straightens himself. "Come in."

A man in his middle thirties comes in. He's wearing a lab coat which means he's a doctor here. He bows down and when our eyes meet, his eyebrows immediately furrow.

"Ah! This is Kim Jinwoo." Uncle introduces. "He's the one i was talking to you about the other day. A brilliant med student from Kaist. I personally called him today so we can have a little chat."

The man looks back at me. I stand and bow my head in respect. He bows back.

"Jinwoo, this is Doctor Gang Dongwon, a brilliant surgeon." Uncle smiles. "And he will be your section chief starting tomorrow."

"Nice to meet you Doctor Gang." I say, holding out my hand.

"Nice to meet you too Doctor Kim." He takes my hand and shakes it. "You're not THE Kim Jinwoo they're all talking about right?"

I gulp. "Uh~ No, unfortunately i'm not"

"Is that right." Doctor Gang just squints his eyes towards me. "Anyway, i'm just glad to have finally met such a brilliant Doctor like you."

"Me too."

"Jinwoo-ah, can you leave us for a moment? I'll be there with you in a minute." Uncle smiles apologetically.

"Sure, Doctor." I bow my head and leave.

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