Fraud I

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In case you'll need a reminder, Fraud is the circle about Chris's dad. That's all, enjoy.


Chris' POV

It was a while before I woke up, my mind was foggy and numb but I can tell by the light coming in through the window that I must've slept for hours. There was a warmth that wasn't coming from the blankets or my personal body heat, so I must not be alone. I ran my fingers down his torso, down Silver's torso, I have never seen someone skinny like him. It makes me worry and I'm definitely going to get it out him sooner rather than later. He started shifting awake and I moved off his chest and on my pillow so that he can wiggle. He blinked his long lashes open and I got to look at his beautiful brown eyes. His hand snaked up from under the blanket and filtered into my hair, I groaned and smiled at him.

"How are you feeling?" He whispered, his voice soft and gruff, as he just woke up. It made me smile even harder.

"Like I need water," I said licking around my dry mouth. He chuckled at me and I blushed slightly. 

"Come on, let's get you something to drink." He said slightly pulling on my hand like the little mouse he is. I smiled again for the hundredth time this morning and followed him out of the room after he threw on his shirt, making me slightly disappointed. Caleb and Marcus were at the table speaking silently when we walked in and stopped immediately.

"Sit down Little Mouse, I'll get us some coffee," I whispered in his ear and hugged his waist close before letting him go and moving to the counter.

"Um...if it's okay with you Chris. What did I miss last night?" Silver asked and ugh I love his voice.

"It's okay Silver, I have PTSD and I get flashbacks sometimes and I think that I'm in a space and situation that I'm not actually in," I responded and carried the coffee over. "That's what happened last night." I cleared and looked at my coffee.

"F-from the kidnapping right?" Silver gently whispered and I smiled because he sounded so scared to ask such a simple question.

"Yea Little Mouse," I said just as silently.

"I'm glad you're okay Chris, Silver it was nice to meet you and I think you're a good kid. Take care of him." Marcus said getting up and walking to the door, I waved at him and smiled.

"I uh think I'm gonna go to Chris, I think you should spend some time with Caleb." Silver said standing and as much as I wanted him to kiss me or hug me or stay, I let him go because I do want to ask Caleb some things. Silver walked out after grabbing his shoes from my room and I was stuck staring at my brother.

"Chris...I-I don't know what you want to talk about. If you do want to talk about anything." He said with a hint of fear.

"Were they in love?" I whispered I want to know if my parents died loving each other and I knew Caleb knew what I was talking about with the look on his face.

"Um, I'd like to think so. I'd like to think that they loved each other but I think that mom loved dad a little less than he loved her." He finished as honestly as he could.

"Yea you could see it. I was young when I last saw them but you know they were such amazing parents and I loved them so much. I know they loved me so much you know?" I answered, looking at him, not expecting him to be staring at the ground like it was a god damn prize. He swallowed a lump in his throat and he looked like he was in pain.

"No, I don't know." What the hell? What was he saying?

"What the fuck do you mean by that?" I snapped and he tensed and looked at me before his chair slammed against the floor when he stood up and I jumped at the noise. His jaw clenched and I sighed. "I'm gonna go practice," I said leaving in search of my punching bag.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2018 ⏰

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