Chapter 1

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Readers P.O.V

(Y/N): I just finished packing my stuff up. ^-^

Levi: Nice to know I'll be at school with a certain fatass again.

(Y/N): Hey! That's haven't changed at all, have you. :v

(Seen By Levi)

"Oh my god, that son of a bitch saw my text and didn't even bother to reply, I'm gonna attack him when I see him" I said, but in my head all I can think about is how excited I am , yet a bit nervous because of the fact that it's been a year since I've seen Levi and wondering if he'll treat me the same way we did to eachother in highschool as were we best friends.

"Language" said Mikasa. "Aw, no fair. We're going to college tomorrow, cursing is still against the rules?" I replied. Mikasa just had a faint smile and shook her

"Hm, check...check..check...I think I'm ready to go" I told Mikasa. Since today is our last day here, and we're going to the same college, Mikasa is gonna be spending the night over at my house so she brought her hefty load of luggage and we'll be road-tripping to our college together. The drive is about 4 hours from here to there. "I'm gonna go pick up a few snacks for the drive there, wanna come?" I asked Mikasa. "Yeah, I got a few things I wanna buy" she replied.  Off to Target we go...

=time skip=

"Eh...I think I spent a bit more than I should've" I said to myself. "Haha, no shit" said Mikasa. "Wait, so you can swear, but I can't huh?" I fired at Mikasa. "Yes, I have the authority" she explained. "What the hell? That makes no sense lol" I said. 

"Yes it does"

"No it doesn't"

"Yes it does"







"You even admitted it" I told her. "God damn it. I can't believe I fell for that" she said. We then began to laugh until tears poured down our faces and our stomachs turned. This is my other best friend Mikasa. When you first see her, your impression is 'she seems like a quiet girl'. I will not deny that, when I met her in our sophomore year of highschool, I thought that too, but after being friends for a while, I figured out that she can be a spawn of the devil.

"I think I'm gonna go to bed now (Y/N)" Mikasa told me. 'Hm...I guess I should sleep too. It's getting pretty late'. I walked over to the bathroom, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and put my hair up in a loose bun. I changed into some nike shorts and a baggy shirt and immediately passed out when I hit the pillow.



"Y/N, wake up" said Mikasa

"5 more minutes" I mumbled.

"No you can't (lol), you have to get ready and drive us to college" she said

I shoot up, 'oh shit, I overslept' I think. I blasted to the bathroom took worlds fastest shower, blowed dried my hair whilst brushing my teeth (hit that multitasking in the face), brushed my hair once more, curled it, and put it in a high ponytail. I applied a teensy bit of makeup. Winged eyeliner because it is the first day at college, mascara as always, and "a bit" of concealer to hide my sleep deprived face. 

I put on some high-waisted jeans and a tie-dye nike crop-top and my white converse high-tops, and put my white nike visor with a black nike sign on because in summer here, it's hot as hell. I finally grabbed my phone, my charger, and my wristlets with my debit card, chapstick, money, etc., and raced downstairs.

Mikasa was sitting on the couch waiting for me, while my mom was checking everything I packed. "Mom, I'm pretty sure I got everything" I laughed. "Sweetie, you're about to leave me and all your stuff here, I have to make sure" she said. I chuckled and left it alone. Since we were on a time crunch, I didn't eat breakfeast. I walked to the front door with my first suitcase and I opened the door. Standing before me was the person I've been so eager to see. The person I thought I'd be seeing in 4 hours. 

The man, the myth, the legend, Levi Ackerman stood before me. 


Hello guys!

Did you enjoy it? It's actually a lot harder to write than I thought! I might do a chapter two later tonight if I'm bored. I started writing this at 1:30 AM and it's currently 3:06 AM...this short little chapter took 1 and a half hours to write...I'm not sure if I'm capable of this xD. Anyways, here's the Q&A I promised y'all...

Q: How old are you?


Please don't forget to vote for this if you liked it! ~Author-San


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