Chapter 18

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"Can I bring this back?" Yoongi places the shoebox on the counter.

"Yeah sure." The man behind the counter says and scans the shoebox. "Do you want your money back or do you want to trade it for something else?"

"I want those in black." Yoongi says.

"Okay, I will get them for you." The man walks to the aisle and arrives a minute later with the shoes. "Here you go."

"Thanks." Yoongi grabs the shoebox from the employee and walks out of the store. He walks to the exit but stops in his place when he sees a familiar woman.

'Shit!' Yoongi thinks and hides behind a plant. 'It's the crazy woman who says I'm her son.' But this time she isn't alone but with a man and a baby in a pram.

Yoongi waits till they're out of sight and runs outside. After a while he gets tired and stops running.

'Sometimes I wish I exersised more.' Yoongi thinks and walks home panting.

"Hoseok I got your shoes!" Yoongi drops the shoebox on the table and walks to the couch throwing himself on it.

"You're okay?" Yoongi looks up at Namjoon who's sitting on the other side of the couch.

"Yes, I'm fine." Yoongi turns on his side and closes his eyes.

"You sure? Did you run?"

"Can you please be quiet? I'm trying to sleep." Yoongi says.

"Go sleep in your bed, I'm trying to watch tv."

"Ugh.." Yoongi stands up and drags himself up the stairs. He enters his room and let himself fall on his bed.

"Hi Yoongi." Jimin says.

"Hi Jiminie." Yoongi murmers into his pillow.

"Are you tired hyung? You should change first before you sleep."

"Yeah, I know." Yoongi stands up from his bed and walks to his closet, grabbing his pyjamas.

"Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." Jimin walks to Yoongi and presses his hand against his forehead. "Are you sick?"

"No I just.. I saw that crazy woman again."

"Crazy woman?" Jimin asks, having no idea who Yoongi talks about.

"The one that said she was my mom."

Jimin remembers her. "Really? Did she say anything to you?"

"No, she didn't see me." Yoongi looks down. "I just don't know what to do, she's crazy."

"Just avoid her, when you see her."

"She's so scary, she even knows my name."

"Yoongi, just go to sleep. Don't think about it to much."

"You're right, I shouldn't." Yoongi leans in and kisses Jimin's forehead. "Thanks Jiminie."

"No problem hyung."

Wow! I'm such a fast updater!

And we almost hit 10k!!!! 😁😁😁

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