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We arrived at starbucks and Sage waited out side with matt. I walked in to see nash olding two drinks. He handed me one then kissed me on the cheek.

"Hey how you liking San Diego?" Nash pulled out a chair for me and I sat down.

"Good I guess. I didn't really see much."

"Oh well. I was thinking. Since we're a couple now," he grabbed my hand, "and I'm going to be traveling a lot more" a smile grew on my face, "Ive convinced mark to letting you into the magcon family." the smile left my face. I was in complete shock.

He knows I never liked magcon. And being in it would put so much stress on me. I would be missing school. I wouldn't be able to see Sage. Or Connor. I can't leave Connor he's all I got left of my family.

"Wait who's mark?" I asked pulling my hand away.

"He's like the manger of magcon." Nash laughed.

"Oh" I sighed.

"I already have this planed out. well for starters, you can't be here with out Connor so Connor is going to stay in a room with us. And you mahogany and sequoia will sleep in another room, "I started liking the idea. "For school mark is going to get you a lap top from our school so you can still be in school and won't get left behind. Like us. It's going to be grate! you'll have so much fans. Because you already do. Ever since I tweeted that picture of you and me everyone started making fan accounts." He grabbed my hand again, "so do you wanna join the magcon family?"

It took me a while but then I jumped up and started cheering, "YES! I LOVE TO BE IN THE MAGCON FAMILY!!" he smiled picked me up and spun me around.

"I knew you would want to be" he kissed me then we walked out side.

"Hey guys. Guess who's apart of the magcon family now!" Nash cheered. I blushed.

Sage gave me a weird look, "Wait so your going to be traveling, with them. And staying in there hotel rooms?" Matt didn't seam to like the idea either.

"Yeah but don't worry you'll be aloud to come too!" I cheered and hugged her.


"Yeah uhh can I talk to you for a second?" I pulled Nash away from them.

"What?" he asked acting like he didn't know the problem.

"You know what. The guys didn't like it when mahogany joined what makes you think they'll like having your girlfriend, and my girlfriend tagging along. You know Cameron and Taylor asked if there girl friends could come today for the show and mark freaked out. So just imagine what they'll think about them joining." I stormed off back to the girls. Gave Sage a kiss on the cheek and said, "ill see you at the show!" I turned back around and headed for the hotel.


"I gotta go!" he kissed my cheek then ran away.

"That was weird!" I turned to Sage.

"It's not weird it's crazy. Us joining magcon is unreal. The guys want time to be them selfs. Your going to get annoyed when Nash doesn't wanna hang out every second with you." She started walking away, "are you coming since its our first show I don't wanna be late!"

~~~~10 minuets before the show~~~


I arrived at the building with Sage. She still kinda mad about the whole magcon thing. But I'm trying to just ignore it. I know she's always wanted to be apart of this and now that she is she's mad at me. It doesn't make senesce. We got out of the can to see screaming fans and when they noticed it was us they stopped. It kinda hurt inside knowing that your going to be touring and the fans aren't even going to like you. I walked down this long hall way that opened up into this huge room. All the guys were back here fooling around. mahogany was playing music and Sage and I sat down next to her.

"Hey. So I here your joining magcon." Mahogany sat next to me.

"Yeah Nash asked. And I agreed but I didn't know the fans wouldn't like it. We got out of the car and just started at us like we were weirdos." I slouched down in my chair.

"Hey don't worry about it." Sage leaned in, "The fans just look at it as more girls that get to tour with the guys the 'love' once they get used to it they won't mind."

"I never wanted to join. Jordan came running out of Starbucks with Nash and said that we were part of magcon now." Sage still didn't like the idea.

"Well why wouldn't you wanna be apart of magcon? this experience has changed my life. You get to hang out with these goof balls all the time. And since I'm a girl I can just leave and lock myself in another room. It's going to be nice having some roommates for a change. Cause then I can have someone to hang around with." mahogany smiled and contained playing music.

"Hey. I'm sorry." Sage hugged me.

"I'm sorry too I've should have asked you if you wanted to join instead of saying you were apart of it." I said over her shoulder.

"It's okay." She laughed pulling away. "Besties" she held out her pinky.

"Pinky promise!" I wrapped my pinky around hers and we laughed.


I arrived to screaming fans throwing stuff at me to sign. Instead I waved to everyone and walked into the back room. I still haven't told the guys about Jordan and Sage joining I happened Matt didn't say anything.

The guys were all dancing ad goofing off like the usually do.

"HEY! guys." I patted Cameron on the back. Everyone looked at me.

"Matt says you have to tell us something." Cameron turned to me.

"Yeah and why is Jordan and Sage here. I thought mark didn't allow girlfriends back here anymore." Taylor pointed out.

"Well you see. Uhh."

"Spit it out." Carter yelled.

"Jordan and Sage are part of magcon now. I thought it would be a good idea." I sighed.

"Why would it be a good idea." Hayes asked.

"Why do you think Hayes... They wanted to be with there girlfriends 24/7 and just forget about us." Aaron added.

"Hey I had no part in this. Nash got this idea all on himself!" Matt defended himself.

"I thought. mahogany get bored with not having any friends." I said.

"mahogany hangs out with us all the time and she doesn't seem mad about it!" Jack Johnson pointed out.

"Yeah. And if she didn't like hanging out with us she always could leave!" Jack Glinsky pointed out.

"Hey. I thought she gets bored and doesn't have enough girls as friends." I said.

"Your not trying to help mahogany your just tying to keep your girlfriend around longer!" shawn yelled.

"Yeah. And while Taylor and Cameron can't even have there girlfriends attend the show. Your over here making yours apparat of the group." Matt yelled.

"Why are you so upset. Your girlfriend is here?" I ask Matt who seamed to upset when he shouldn't be.

"I'm mad because you didn't even ask me. Now there gonna think we have all day to spend time with them. And I just want to be a guy sometimes instead of being all lovey with Sage." Matt explained.

"Isn't that what a relationship is about?" I asked.

"Dude If that's what you think a relationship is all about. Your screwed." Aaron laughed and walked onto the stage for they called his name.

"Yeah. You have this on all on your own." Cameron patted me on the back. And everyone left to go on stage.

"Hey you ready?" Jordan asked me.

"Yeah." I kissed her on the cheek and we went on stage.


Welcome to the family!!! Dont forget to vote. Love you guys.

Stay Nashty


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