The babys here.

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Ive been trying to reach Taylor since yesterday. He hasn't returned any of my calls and Grace has been having some bad pains she says. Grace has been helping us set up our house. Everything's into the house now all we have to do is organize it. I'm starting to get a little baby bump and some of my pants aren't fitting right.

"I'm going to need to go shopping soon." I laughed grabbing a pair a sweat pants.

"Haha. Sucks to be you. I seriously thought if anything I would be the pregnant one." Sage joked around.

"Guys I don't feel too good." Grace headed for the bathroom, "GUYS HELP!"

Sage and I looked at each other than got got up and ran.

"I think my water just broke." Grace stood above a puddle of liquid.

"Woah what do we do?!" Sage asked.

"Well. We have to take her to the hospital!! Sage you drive and ill try and get a hold of Taylor." I commanded everyone.

I held Grace's hand and Sage held the other. We helped her into the car and drove to the hospital.

"Hello? why do you keep calling me? you have Nash's number right?!" Taylor nagged.

"Uggh shut up. So I met your girlfriend. And um. SHE'S HAVING YOUR BABY RIGHT NOW!!" I screamed into the phone.

"Taylor hun. It's Grace. Labor takes awhile before anything actually happens. So I want you to get on the first flight out here. I love you." She handed the phone back to me.

"Okay I'll be there soon. Jordan do you want Nash to come?" Taylor asked.

"Sure. I don't care. Lets just worry about Grace right now!!" I yelled.

"Okay bye!" Taylor hung up the phone. And we rushed into the hospital.



After waiting for Taylor to get off the phone for like ten minutes he decides to run off.


"I'll go see what's up." I ran after Taylor screaming his name like twenty times before he stopped.

"What do you want bro. I gotta go!" Taylor gasped for a breath of air.

"Go where!" I asked running up to the hotel room with Taylor.

"Don't tell and one this but, I got a girl pregnant and she's kinda having it right now." Taylor hit the elevator button.

"With who?!"

"Grace!" Taylor still gasping for air, ran down the hall to the hotel room.

"Dude how come you never told me this?" I asked pulling him back from packing.

"Because. You never told me about Jordan!" Taylor yelled.

"Wait what?" I asked.

"You got Jordan pregnant. Yeah I know. I over heard carter and Aaron talking about it. And if you wanna come you can Jordan wants you there. She's friends with Grace now I guess." Taylor zipped up his bag.

"Okay wait for me."

I was Throwing all my stuff into my bag. Making sure nothing was getting left behind. I zipped up my bag and we headed for a cab.

"Do you think we're gonna make it?" I asked.

"I know we will." Taylor smirked hopping into a taxi.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"I know a guy." Taylor told the driver where to go and we were off.



Were sitting in a room with Grace on the bed complaining about every contraction. If they really hurt that bad, I'm not excited for when I have my baby. Sage just on her phone and I'm trying to comfort Grace. It was actually kinda hard. I tried to help her pick names but I ended up liking them all so I just didn't say anything. I can't wait till me and Nash decided what were going to name our kid. It's probably going to be something cute and different. Just then Matt walked into the room.

"What are you doing here?" Grace asked.

"I'm here for Sage!" Matt sat next to Sage kissing her on the cheek.

"How did you get here so fast?" I turned to face them," and where's Taylor and Nash?"

"Well my dads friend is a pilot so I got here pretty fast. And I don't know. Last time I saw them they were playing basketball at the hotel." Matt pulled out his phone and texted Taylor. "There I texted Taylor. He says he's about two hours away."

"Why did you take the guys with you?!" Grace yelled.

"They didn't ask." Matt sank in his seat.

~~~~~~~~~TWO HOURS LATER~~



Nash and I ran to the hospital. I have butterflies in my stomach. I can't believe it's just a matter of time until I'm a father.

"Okay we're here now we just need to find her room." I ran to the front desk, "can you tell me what room Grace Caniff in?"

"Dude your married?" Nash asked

"No. But she probably signed her name in as that."

"She's in the delivery room." The lady said.

"I'm the father." I snapped. she jumped out of her chair taking me to the room.

"Sir you must wait over there." She told Nash.

I walked in to see Grace giving birth. She was facing me so I didn't see anything below the waist.

"Taylor your here!" Grace smiled. Then screamed in pain.

"Yeah hi!" I kissed her. There was a silence in the room for about ten seconds. Than to break that silence was a cry.

"It's a girl!" the doctor yelled giving the baby to the nurses.

"You did it." I smiled.

"I did it? we did it." Grace kissed my cheek.

"Wait a minuet." The doctor was in shock.

"What?! is there something wrong?"

Taylor tried looking over the sheet.

"There's another baby coming."

"What?!" Grace yelled in the pain.

"It's a boy!" the doctor yelled giving him to the nurses.

Our new baby girl was handed to Grace and our son was handed to me. I just got this heart warming feeling. The thought that I created these living human beings is unreal. I can't wait to take them home. Home.......

Although. I don't have a home. And I'm going to have to get back to magcon. But until then I will just cherish this little beauty.

"She's gorgeous." Grace kissed her forehead."what are we going to name her?"

"Lets name her after a kardashian." I joked.

"Yeah...I like the name Kholé." Grace suggested.

"Yeah I like that too. Kholé Caniff."

"And what about our handsome son?" Grace asked trying to get a peek of what he looks like.

"Zack..... Zack Caniff." I handed him to Grace than I held kholé. This is the best moment of my life.


Awh the cute little babies. Awh the cute little names. awh the cute couples. AWHHH.

Stay Nashty


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