Life is Filled with Happiness

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Okay, i heard over the weekend that Harry and Zayn have girlfriends now! I was like "NOOO!" I was very upset. But i got over it. I am very proud of my boys! But Niall is still single, i wonder why he doesn't have a girlfriend- i mean, he's cute too! :P

anyway, here is the LAST chapter! Hope you guys like it! :D

Tonight is my official first date with Harry until we got back together. I’m very nervous

“We’ll help you get ready!” Casey says while Tracey comes in with a curling iron

“Okay” I sigh while I start shaking

“Don’t be nervous” Casey says

“You and Harry are adorable together” Tracey smiles

They get to work. I put my make up on- going natural, with a little touch of mascara and blush. Casey puts red lipstick on my lips, knowing how much Harry loves it. Tracey walks in with my favorite dress, shoes, and bag. I grab my favorite jewelry set

“You Look Beautiful” Tracey says

“Harry’s going to love it!” Casey smiles and wiggles her eyebrows

There is a knock at the door

“Hey Blair we- woah! You look great!” Louis says

“Beautiful” Liam smiles

“Stunning” Niall says

“Very pretty” Zayn replies

“Thanks boys” I smile

I walk downstairs with all 6 of them right behind me

“Wow” Harry says

“Wow yourself” I say back, he looks handsome in his blazer

Everyone’s staring at us

“Bye guys!” I yell, pulling Harry out of the door

“Where are we going?” I ask him as we start to walk

“You’ll love it. Just wait” Harry says, I roll my eyes

“I hate surprises” I laugh

“This is a good surprise” He says

We get to the park. Where it was one of my favorite memories with him


Harry and I are walking to the park. Where we go to talk about our life hopes and dreams

“I dream that I’m going to be a famous singer” Harry says

“I dream that I will marry that special man” I say

Harry laughs

“What’s so funny!” I laugh

“It’s cute” he says, I blush

“Race you to the swings!” I yell running

“Hey!” Harry wines

I run and beat him to the swings

“Want to get high up and jump off?” I ask him

“Hell yeah!” He yells

We got crazy high

“Jump off in-“



“THREE!” we jump and fall on top of each other

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