Different kind of gift (part two)

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Author's note: Darlings, first of all I'd like to apologize for this late chapter, June was a very busy month to me, I had exams, problems in my private life, in one word I didn't use WattPad at all. But now my life seems to be a bit easier, and to celebrate the change I brought you the second part of my one-shot, I really hope you'll like it. Enjoy! ^^

Mick: Okay, now we know each other's names, at least. You look very nice, I have to remind you of that. I'm sure that a lot of people told you about that.

Jacqueline (staring the floor and acting nervous): Well, actually they haven't done it very often, so...

Mick (suprised): Oh, it makes me wonder why. You are such a pretty girl, Jay, people should compliment about your beauty and personality much more. I don't understand how could anybody say different.

Jacqueline (weak smile): Mick, you are so gentle-hearted, d'ya know?

Mick (looks satisfied): Well girl, a lot of people told me, I tell you. (clears troath) And Jay... Don't you wanna come IN? (points to the dressing room) There are much warmer than in this cool corridor; I know maybe it's not a big space but it'll be enough for us, in my opinion.

Jacqueline (thinking and saying quietly): Well... This resquest seems to be very sweet, but I don't know how to react.

Mick: Sorry if I look impolite, you don't have to come if you don't want; I just thought that it would be good to continue our conversation in a more comfortable place. You'd stay as long as you want, I won't force you to be with me. Than I would take you home by car and you don't have to walk. Deal?

Jacqueline (lights up): Deal, let's go!

*They go inside the dressing room.*

Jacqueline (sitting down the desk, and in a few seconds later Mick joins her): Well, you were right, this is not a large room. (Giggling) But at least we can be alone together.

Mick (outfencing her waist): Sweetheart, I agree with you. That's what dressing rooms for. So... Tell me about yourself, please.

Jacqueline (suprised): Should I? My life is not worthy to tell about it, I don't think you would care...

Mick (gently covers her mouth for a while with his finger): Who said that I'm not curious of your life? I wanna know every single fact about you, because I've never met a girl like you before. You are so special, please let me know you better, lady!

Jacqueline (sighs and talking like she can cry in every moment): I deserved everything bad in my life. Some people has charmed life, with lots of joy - they are the lucky ones. I'm so unlucky, so I had this life. I don't call it "sad", I think it's the "hand of fate".

Mick (turns to her gently, so they are face-to-face): Listen to me, you are really amazing, and I mean it. I've hardly ever seen any girl that reminds me of you. Because you are like a different creature...

Jacqueline (mumbles): ...a weirdo?

Mick: No, I wanted to say "different kind of gift". Jay, you should be very, very proud of yourself. I know, sometimes it's so hard to accept yourself the way you are, I went through on it a couple of times too. (Coming closer, until their faces are only inches from each other) We are very similar, that's why I'm talking like I know you.

Jacqueline (whispering): How could I be as good as you? You are Mick Jagger, and I'm just a girl with big dreams to be made. I'm just myself...

Mick: That's the point! It's the best to be yourself, because everyone else is already taken. If I were you, I would love every inch of my body. (Caressing her back) Because you are the cutest, the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life, and you deserve to be loved. I... I love you the way you are, my Jay.

Jacqueline (falling onto his chest): Oh Mick, I don't know what to say... You are literally my forever, you are so charming, adorable and caring. How can I express my grate, what can I give to you as a thanksgiving? I'd do anything for you.

Mick (lifts up her chin, looking deeply into her eyes): Just promise me that you'll be much kinder to yourself from now on. I want you to live your well-deserved life. What I said?

Jacqueline: I promise...

Mick (holding her hands and whispering): Okay than! (leans over her and kisses her lips)

Jacqueline (after the kiss): Mick...

Mick: Don't say anything! Girl, I love you and I want you to know that. You don't have to love me back. I give you my heart. Please...

Jacqueline (kisses him back as an interrupt chance): I love you more, Mick and that's my truth. Let me to show you, how big my love is!

Mick (smiling): Okay babe. Actually... Don't you wanna stay a while? Not for a minute or a hour... I meant a whole night, just You and I, Jay. Don't think twice!

Thank you so much for voting and commenting, you guys are the best! I love you all so much❤️

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