The book might end /// Please read this chapter!

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  Hey guys! I know I know, I may sound too dramatic in the title, BUT the main thing is that I really need to tell you something. So, I was thinking about it a lot, so it's not a "sudden decision" without any responsibility - in case someone would stab a knife in my back, saying that I don't take things seriously.
So, dear reader of mine! I decided to start a new book, and complete this one. Yes, you read it right. I'll be still here, with you guys, my WattPad family, but in an another pages. I'll list a few reasons why I made this decision, to make everything clearer.
I really love the Stones. Each member of it. I guess I'll love them until the day I'll die. And of course, writing about them is more than a hobby to me: it's a passion. It makes me feel relaxed, and doing something I love, helps me to cope with the problems in my life. That's why I wanna make an another book, where I would write other imagines, BUT with each member, not only with Mick. Of course, he'll also be in a few chapters, because he's a little cinnamon roll, just the others will also take a part in it. Clear? You'll still find me there, and I'll try to update the book as often as I can, or as my time allows it.
I hope you'll understand this decision, and I really loved writing that book, hoping for many many others to come.❤️

— your author, Rozi.

P.S.: Resquests are STILL open! So if you have a special idea, and you want me to write it into the book, than don't be shy, message me anytime. I'll be there :)

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