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I opened my eyes and I was alone. I sighed and got ready. Sam and Dean came back with food.

"Where'd you guys go?" I asked.

"Back to the Miller's." Sam replied.

"Anything?" I asked.

"Well last night I saw a dark figure, kind of like a shadow at Rogers so I thought that both Roger and Jim got involved in something and Max was next. We went there and Max said he lived across town." Sam explained. I nodded while stuffing my face with food.

"Come on." Dean said. I had devoured my breakfast and left with my brothers.

We pulled up to the Miller's old neighborhood. We got out of the car and walked over to this man gardening.

"Hey. Have you lived here long?" I asked.

"Yeah, almost 20 years now. It's been nice and quiet. Why you looking to buy?" The man replied.

"No, no, actually, we were wondering if you might recall a family that used to live right across the street I believe." Sam asked.

"Yeah the Millers. They had a little boy called Max." The man replied.

"Right." I said.

"Yeah I remember. The brother had the place next door. So uh, what's this about, is that poor kid ok?" The man asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well in my life I've never seen a child treated like that. I mean I'd hear Mr Miller yelling and throwing things clear across the street, he was a mean drunk. He used to beat the tar outta Max. Bruises. Broke his arm two times that I know of." The man explained.

"This was going on regularly?" I asked.

"Practically every day. In fact that thug brother of his was just as likely to take a swing at the boy but the worst part was the stepmother. She'd just stand there, checked out, not lifting a finger to protect him. I must have called the police seven or eight times. Never did any good." The man explained.

"Now you said step-mother." Dean chimed in.

"I think his real mother died. Some sorta...accident. Car accident I think." The man said.

Sam put his hands on his head in pain.

"Are you ok there?" The man asked.

"Yeah, he just has migraines." I reassured.

"Thank toy for your time." Dean said and helped Sam to the car. I followed.

We got into the car and Dean turned the engine on and started driving.

"Max is doing it. Everything I've been seeing." Sam said.

"You sure about this?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, I saw him." Sam said.

"How's he pulling it off?" Dean asked.

"I don't know, like telekinesis?" Sam replied.

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