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~~~1 Month Later~~~
You were sitting around the pool with a drink as you spoke to Ludwig and Alfred. Everybody else was either asleep in their chairs or in the pool swimming, Antonio had arranged a holiday for you all to Spain for the week as a last moment thing. Since the night of your date you had hardly seen Lovino, however you had spoken over the phone and by text often. You couldn't help but wander if you had done something to offend him or had got the wrong impression when you kissed him, but you weren't brave enough to ask him.
"Hey, where are you?" Alfred asked as he tapped your arm, you blinked and turned to look at him, smiling a little.
"Right here. Hey, have any of you checked out that bar down the street? It looks nice, maybe we should check it out at some point." You suggested, the two men beside you nodded and smiled before Ludwig yawned loudly, making both you and Alfred laugh. You looked back across the pool at Lovino as he slept in his chair, Ivan was beside him and was also asleep. Nobody still knew it was Lovino you went on the date with, you had almost told Feliciano and Antonio to see if Lovino had said anything to them about how the date went. After a while of sitting in the chair, not really knowing what to do, Lovino's eyes opened and he looked across at you as he sat up. You smiled a little, earning a small smile in return as he waved a little. "You know... I'm going for a small walk. I'll see you guys in a little while." As you stood from the chair and picked up your bag, Alfred sat forward and looked at you with a confused expression.
"Are you okay? You seem really out of it." He said as he took your hand, with a smile and a nod you leant down and kissed his hair as he nodded. "Okay. Be careful." You simply nodded again before you looked back across the pool and smiled to Lovino before you left the pool and sighed as you rested against the wall.
"Where are you going?" You looked up a little and smiled when you saw Lovino standing in front of you.
"I'm just taking a little walk. Want to join me?" You asked with a smile as you walked forward and held onto his thin shirt as you reached up on your toes and kissed his neck. You couldn't help but smile when you felt his hands settle on your waist as he gasped a little.
"Ah...we can't do this here." He whispered as he stepped back, however kept his hands on your waist. With a sigh you simply nodded. "I'll see you later, then." Was all you said before you turned and left the hotel.  After walking down the beach front for a while, you walked into a nearby bar and spotted a stool at the bar. As you sat down and placed your bag in front of you, you sighed deeply and placed your head on your bag, hearing a laugh come from somebody sat beside you.
"You look like you're having just a shitty night as I am." When the person spoke you lifted your head again and looked to your left to find a man with blonde hair tied behind his head smiling to you. He smiled and finished his drink before sighing deeply. "What are you drinking?" With a small laugh, you sat up fully and shrugged.
"Whatever you're having." You replied, he nodded and signalled to the bar tender. "(name). So, what's made your night so shit?" He handed one of the glasses of whiskey to you before he shook your hand.
"Feliks. Boy trouble. What about you?" He asked, you nodded as you laughed a little.
"Boy trouble too." You replied, at this he laughed before sighing and holding up his glass to you. You smiled before you both clinked your glasses together.
"To boy trouble!" He said, with a laugh you both took a drink before sighing deeply. "So, does your boy trouble involve a cute Lithuanian too?" You shook your head and took another drink, closing your eyes and pulling a face when it burnt your chest.
"Nope, a gorgeous Southern Italian who I think regrets kissing me a month ago and is now acting weird." You replied, he hummed a little before he finished his drink and ordered two more. With a small laugh you finished tours, coughing a little, before you checked your phone to find a message from Alfred asking if you were okay.
"So, do you have a picture of this gorgeous Italian?" He asked, with a laugh you found the photo Antonio had taken of you all yesterday and handed him your phone as you took a drink from your new drink. "Let me guess... tanned with green eyes at the front?" With a shake of your head, you zoomed in a little on Lovino, laughing when you heard Feliks make a noise. "You're right, he is gorgeous." With a laugh you nodded and put the phone back in your bag before you sighed again. "That's Toris. My cute Lithuanian." You smiled as you looked at the photo of the two men, thinking how cute they looked together.
"He is cute. What happened, if you don't mind me asking?" You asked, he hummed deeply before he took a drink and turned to look at you.
"Apparently I never act like an adult and I just joke around and want to have sex. You tell me, does a man wanting to have sex with his boyfriend make him a bad guy?" Feliks asked you, with a small smile you shook your head and took a drink. Feliks simply sighed deeply as he took a drink too before turning to look at you again. "What about you?"
"Well, he's my friends brother but him and my best friend dislike each other. When we went on a date we were about to do something when he stopped and left, ever since then he's been a little odd. Just before I left we were almost going to do something again, but he stopped. I don't know what to do!" You told him with a groan. You heard Feliks laugh before he knocked on the bar. When the bartender but down two more whiskeys, you looked up and sighed. "I thought he liked me... I mean he did kiss me back, but... maybe I've made a fool of myself?"
"Hey, don't start thinking things like that. You know what we should do?" He asked, you turned to look at him as you shook your head and finished your old drink. He smiled before he picked up his new drink and moved yours closer to you. You picked yours up and turned to look at him again." We should go back to our hotels and show both of them what they're missing." You laughed a little as you nodded, clinked your glass with his again and you both finished them quickly.
When you got back to hotel everybody had moved upstairs or gone out. As you walked into the pool room again you saw Antonio sitting on the floor with his feet in the water.
"What are you doing here?" You asked, laughing a little when he jumped and turned to look at you with a smile.
"I was waiting for the others to get ready. Are you coming out with us?" He asked, you joined him and shook your head.
"I think I'm just going to have a quiet night in. Hey, could you go and ask Lovino to come down here for a moment?" When you asked this, Antonio smiled and nodded before he kissed your hair and left the room. You checked there was nobody looking before you stood up and quickly removed your clothes before jumping into the pool. The water was a little cold on your bare skin and you tried to talk yourself into thinking Feliks was right. You swam around the pool a little before you heard the doors close.
"(name)? Are you in here? Antonio said you were looking for me." You heard Lovino call, you looked up and smiled as you swam to the edge of the pool. Lovino looked down at you with a confused expression before he sat down at the edge of the pool. "What is it?" You smiled up to him before you looked at your pile of clothes, Lovino looked down at you before he finally followed your eyes. When he saw your underwear in the pile, he went wide eyed and his cheeks turned a colour of pink again. "What...are you..."
"Why don't you join me?" You asked with a smile as you put one hand on his leg. He looked down at you and stood up, making you sigh and grab a towel from the side. You climbed out and wrapped it around your body before picking up your clothes and making your way over to the doors. However you stopped at the chairs and turned to look at him. "You know, I don't know what I've done but I'm sick and tired of trying. I'll see you in the morning." As you turned around to walk out, you gasped when you felt a hand on your shoulder and you were turned around. Lovino took hold of your clothes and threw them on the floor before he pushed you down onto the chair behind you and climbed on top of you. You noticed his eyes looked different now but his cheeks were still pink, he was breathing heavily before he pressed his lips to yours again. You moved your hands into his hair and kissed him back, smiling when you felt his hands gently slide down your sides before settling on your thighs. When you broke away from the kiss for air, Lovino moved his lips to your neck as he started to kiss your skin, causing you to moan.
"I didn't do anything because I didn't know what to do." He said before he kissed your neck again, you simply raised one eyebrow when he spoke but tightened your grip on his hair. When one of his hands slipped under the towel, you gasped loudly and closed your eyes. "Let's go upstairs. Antonio is out so our room is free." As he stood from the chair and picked up your clothes you couldn't help but laugh when he took your hand in his and quickly led you up the stairs.

As Lovino pressed you against the wall and kissed the back of your shoulder, you moaned loudly and linked your fingers between his when they settled on the wall. Behind you you could hear him breathing heavily and occasionally moaning lowly, making you smile. As soon as you got into Lovino and Antonio's room he locked the door and undressed before he lifted you from the floor and kissed you as he pressed your back against the wall. When he took a step away from you and took your hand, he led you both over to the bed before you laid on your back and he pushed back into you, making you both moan loudly when he held onto the headboard with one hand and picked up the speed. Your fingers gripped onto his back as your back arched and you moaned loudly again. When you opened your eyes you couldn't help but smile when you saw Lovino's eyes were closed and his mouth was open a little as he panted. You leant up and kissed his collar bones, this made Lovino moan loudly as his hips slammed into yours harshly, you couldn't help but gasp before you moaned loudly and came. As you laid back against the bed and tried to catch your breath, Lovino came soon after you and collapsed onto your chest. As you both caught your breath, neither of you spoke. When Lovino finally sat up and moved to the edge of the bed, you sat up and wrapped the sheet around you as you looked at his back, smiling a little when you saw the large scratches on his tanned skin.
"Hey... are you okay?" You asked as you moved to sit behind him. He simply nodded before he sighed and ran his hands through his hair.
"I...i'm sorry I don't know what came over me." He finally said after a few more moments of silence. You smiled to yourself before you knelt up and wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing a kiss to the side of his neck. You couldn't help but smile when he shivered a little, his skin was still sensitive and a small moan came from his lips.
"Why are you apologising? I...enjoyed that. Didn't you?" You asked, he hesitated for a few moments before he nodded, making you smile. You rested your chin on his shoulder as you pressed another kiss to his neck. When he turned around and kissed you, you smiled and climbed into his lap as your arms wrapped around his neck.
"Hey, Lovino why is the door locked?" You both broke away from each other when you heard Antonio speak before he tried to open the door. You quickly stood up as you started to get dressed, as did Lovino.
"Hold on... I... I'm busy." Lovino called back, you smiled as you finished getting dressed and heard Antonio gasp in realisation from the other side of the door. After waiting a few minutes, Lovino slowly opened the door a little before opening it fully and smiling to you. "You better get changed so they don't suspect anything." You smiled and nodded before you walked over to him and kissed him again. You were a little surprised when he wrapped his arms around your waist and deepened the kiss, you wouldn't have expected him to do something like that when you first kissed him. When you broke away from the kiss, he smiled a little to you before you started to walk to your own room with a large smile on your face.

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