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~~~2 Months Later~~~
"I think this colour would look best on her, what do you think?" Feliciano said as he held up a dress to your chest and turned to Francis who was standing beside the Italian and shaking his head with a series of deep sighs.
"Mon Dieu*, are you blind or just stupid? This is the right colour for her." Was Francis' reply as he held up another dress to your chest. "See? Much better, so we'll go with this colour." With a smug smile he began to walk away, however the small Italian had other ideas.
"Hey! It's my day, so I'll choose the colour! And I say, the green!" He snapped, making you smile and laugh a little as you noticed the shocked look on Francis' face. "You like the green right, Bella?" You looked at the dark green dress he was holding and nodded with a smile, which made Francis sigh deeply and Feliciano turn to him and stick out his tongue.
"Lovino, what do you think? The blue or the green?" Francis asked as he turned to the chairs in the corner where Lovino, Arthur and Antonio were sitting. The Italian shrugged and groaned a little when he was asked the question.
"What do I care? It's not my dress." Was his unhappy reply, causing you to laugh again.
"Keep up that attitude and you will be wearing a dress, capire**?" Feliciano snapped once again, causing Lovino to shyly nod before he sunk further back into the chair. Feliciano wanted to make sure everything was perfect for his anniversary party but you had never seen him act like this before. With another deep sigh Lovino put down his phone before looking between the two dresses for a moment.
"Fine, if I have to pick one... the green. It brings out her eyes." Lovino said, as Feliciano enjoyed gloating at his victory, you glanced over at Lovino to see him already smiling at you before he looked back at the screen of his phone.
"That settles it! Now, how about we all go and get some lunch, hm?" Antonio said as he slapped his hands against his knees and stood up, smiling to you as he held out his hand to help you down from the podium you were standing on. As Feliciano purchased the dress in your size and measurements, yourself, Antonio and Arthur walked ahead of them to a restaurant you had passed earlier that day.
"Alfred's terribly excited. When Ludwig asked him if he would be involved with the day he was so happy. I hope he chooses a nice suit, not a stupid one." Arthur told you all as he held onto his glass of beer and took another drink.
"I'm sure with both Ludwig and Ivan's strict supervision he won't be able to choose a stupid suit, don't worry." Francis said as he poured some more wine into your glass and wrapped his arm around you once again. You smiled as you took a drink and looked around the table, noticing that the more Antonio drank the closer he moved to Lovino, who seemed oblivious as he either glared at his phone or spoke to his brother.
"So, are you still dancing for us Lovino?" Feliciano asked, causing the shorter Italian's head to shoot up as he glared at his brother. You all laughed at his expression, however you were secretly hoping he would say yes. "Oh! How about (name) dances with you again, too? I thought that was good." You looked over at the Italian and narrowed your eyes as you took a drink, although you noticed the small smirk on Lovino's lips. As the other men all agreed you should join in, Lovino suddenly nodded.
"Okay. Be at my place at 8. We better start rehearsing." Was all Lovino said before he quickly finished his almost full glass of wine and ordered another bottle as you all looked at each other in shock.
You sighed as your car pulled up outside the address Lovino had texted you, along with the message: Wear something you would dance in, either a long flowing skirt or dress or tight trousers. Oh, and bring wine. As you read back through the message and checked your outfit quickly-a plain black shirt and some plain jeans- you sighed before climbing out of your car with the bottle of wine and knocked on the door. After a few moments it opened and Lovino stood on the other side wearing tight black trousers once again, though this time his shirt was much like yours, only grey. "Come in." Was all he said as he walked back down the hall, you closed the door behind you before following him down the hall and into the kitchen, handing him the bottle of wine with a small smile.
"Here, this is the right one, right?" You asked, he nodded as he looked at the bottle before he brought two glasses from the cupboard and poured you both a glass. You noticed there was something different about how Lovino was acting to how he usually was. Maybe he was still a little drunk from the afternoon? Or maybe, like you, he was too nervous to know what to say. As you took a drink from your wine you looked around his kitchen and smiled at how clean and traditional it looked. It was much different from Feliciano's high tech modern one.
"I like to keep things how my Grandpa had them. He liked traditional things, especially the kitchen." Lovino suddenly said, causing you to look over at him and smile a little before taking another drink. "Makes me look like an old man, I know."
"I like it. I think it's homey." You replied, noticing a small smile finally appear on his lips. "So, what do you have to teach me?" At this, Lovino nodded as he placed his glass on the side, took yours and placed it beside his before he motioned with one finger for you to follow him. His front room was similar to his kitchen, traditional and warm. He had moved two green couches to the sides of the room along with a table, making room for the two of you to dance.
"Now, Feliciano said last time that we danced well together. If we do the same dance with a few adjustments it should be fine. Do you remember the steps?" He asked as he stood opposite you with his hands on his hips, you smiled a little and rubbed your shoulder awkwardly. "What? What is it?"
"Well... the first time we danced I was... sort of too busy looking at you I didn't really know what I was doing." You admitted, feeling heat rise to your cheeks. When Lovino let out a deep laugh you finally looked over at him to see he was holding a small remote.
"Well... watch me again." He said in a low, seductive voice before he pressed a button and music began to play from a speaker system. Lovino moved as he did before, though this time you noticed his hips were moving more then they did the first time. When his hands joint in yours and he pulled you close to his chest, you smiled a little and nodded as you followed his lead to the quick music. You quite enjoyed the feeling of being this close to him as you both danced, you could feel his chest rising and falling deeply as he breathed quickly and heavily. His cheeks were a dark pink and you noticed a sheet of sweat forming in his forehead which caused his hair to stick to it. When he quickly span you around and ducked you down once again, he pressed his lips to yours harshly, causing you to loose balance and fall on a heap on the floor. Instead of pulling away Lovino deepened the kiss and quickly began to undo your jeans as he pulled them down your legs, making you break the kiss and gasp as his hands grasped tightly onto your thighs. As he kissed down your neck you undid his trousers, but let him move them down his legs until he threw them behind him, his shirt and yours followed soon after.
"I-is this the best place to do this? I mean... here?" You asked as Lovino moved you both into a more central position and brought your legs around his waist as he moved his hips forward and pushed into you, causing you to gasp and grab the rug beneath you as Lovino groaned and lowered his head a little. When he began to move you both moaned loudly as your head hit the floor harshly and your back arched, causing your chest to touch Lovino's.
"I think we should tell people." He suddenly said, your eyes opened and you looked up at him however you found his eyes were closed. When you moved your hands to his back his eyes opened and he looked down at you, however he smiled. "Don't you think we should?"
"I...how do you think they'll react?" You asked, Lovino shrugged and groaned once again as he rolled onto his back and held your waist as he continued to move his hips, the new position caused you both to groan loudly as your head fell back once again. His hands climbed across your stomach before he dug his nails in and trailed them back down, across your hips and down your thighs before he made his way back to your waist. The small action felt amazing on your already sensitive skin and you couldn't help but let out another moan as you felt yourself shiver.
"Hopefully they'll be happy. Feliciano will be, anyway. I don't know about Ludwig, though." He replied, causing you to both laugh before he thrust hardly, causing you both to groan loudly. Though it felt a little odd doing this in Lovino's front room, it also felt less like you were hiding what you were doing. "Besides, with our dancing they might guess, so we might not have to tell them." As he said this he sat up and began to press kisses to your chest and collar bones, which only made your skin feel more electric. A while later, you had both taken a shower and you were getting dressed again, making your way to find your shoes and head home before you stopped. When you felt the hand on your wrist you turned around and saw Lovino standing behind you, looking away from you. "Will you...stay here tonight? I'll make dinner and we can have some more of that wine." You couldn't help but smile at his slightly embarrassed expression and you nodded as your smile grew.
"That sounds nice."

*=My God

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2017 ⏰

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