The 'Thing'

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Newt wakes up and the first question that sticks to his head is, where am I? He noticed he was in a strange and contagious box filled with crates and chests all different sizes. He tried to think what was going on but nothing clicked in his mind. Newt couldn't see much, he could only see a little bit because of a red light attached to the ceiling. Where am I? When am I getting out? What's happening? Questions filled Newts brain but he tried to ignore it to keep calm. It was impossible. Newt decided to take more detail on the room to see if there was any escape root, but nothing useful he could see...unless he opened the boxes. Newt gripped onto the wall and used it to gain his balance and steadily walked across the room to the boxes. He swiftly moved his weak hands onto the box and tried to jar it open. It didn't budge. After a while he eventually gave up and sat in the corner of the box, he pulled his legs up to him and pushed his hands against his face and started to sob. Newt realised though, sobbing and complaining about this wasn't going to solve anything. He rubbed his hands against his eyes and brushed the tears off. Newt pushed himself up and steadily walked towards the boxes without using support off of the wall. He gripped his hands to each side of the first box that appeared in front of him and pulled it to the centre of the box. After a while of hard and tiring strength, he eventually made a staircase out of the boxes. Punching his hands in the air, he started noticing the speed of the box slowly slowing down. The metal clashes together and the air was starting to catch up with it, leaving it with strong wind. Newt quickly stepped onto the first box and noticed the room wasn't very tall. He glanced around the room until the first box piled up blocked his view, until the box suddenly stop. Newt lost balance and fell back towards the cold metal floor and felt the weight of is head clash against the wall. The box stopped but nothing was happened. Nothing was opening, was it stuck? He was starting to hear voices, more specifically manly voices. More like teenager boys. The ceiling jolted open in half which made whatever Newt heard quiet down. He held his hand over his eyes from the sun blinding him. He looked at all boys staring at him. Is this normal? Why aren't they saying anything? Newt thought, forgetting he bashed his head. Newt stood up and took notice of everyone staring at him, he heard complaints about them wanting to see but he pushed that thought away.
Finally someone spoke and it was an Asian looking kid, "Look at this Greenie, he might hit on the girls when we have one!"
"Shut your shuck face Minho, doubt we'll have any girls by the sounds of it" The boy turned to Newt, he had brown eyes and sweaty brown skin. He looked upfront in Newts opinion, "Names Alby, leader of this place"
Another boy spoke, "In your dreams Alby"
A few snickers of laugher and murmurs spread around the crowd of boys looking down at Newt. Alby turned to stare at the boy with short brown hair, brown eyes and a load of freckles covering his face. The boy rolled his eyes at Alby and turned to look at Newt. The boys stared talking over each other making it sound like a loud debate
"Who is this guy?"
"Wonder if he's going to be a runner?"
"That joke on Alby was hilarious"
"Does he know I have abs?"
"Shut your shuck mouths!" The Asian killed yelled.
And after that, everyone was quiet. Newt wondered if he became the leader of this place, whatever it is, Newt was desperate to find out about this place. Newt used the box stair case and slowly made his way out of the box.
"Watch that shuck box you shank!" The Asian kid was fuming and jumped into the box to check the supply boxes and chests.
Newt pushed his way through the crowd and looked at the new surroundings. A forest in one corner? A badly yet impressive looking house? A hut with a straw roof hidden in another corner? And then a large dirty thing, sounds coming from it which seems as if that was an animal pen? Newt was amazed by the new world he'd found, yet he was terrified if there was a negative side of it. He curiously looked around, taking notice at the walls covered in moss. He wondered what was beyond those walls. He saw an exit leading out of the strange place he'd yet not been told about so Newt went with his heart  and walked towards the doorway. It wasn't bothering Newt that all this was happening  quickly until something felt odd, something that Newt couldn't quite figure out. He turned his body to face the crowd of boys walking away from the steel box with a few carrying the boxes and chests that arrived with Newt. He noticed that a seriously mad boy stumped towards him with his fists curled.
"DON'T GO PAST THOSE WALLS SHANK!" The voice called louder than the box moving upwards, Newt was terrified. He quickly turned around and glanced towards the doors. Should I do it? He thought to himself. The short tempered boy was getting closer and closer by the minute, still in the same posture he was as he was walking towards Newt. As soon as the boy got over to Newt, Newt grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the door.
The crowd behind them was mostly cheering, and some pleading for a fight. Newt felt his stomach turn and felt the strength to finish pulling the boy in some Maze. The boys feet skidded across the dirt trying to gain some grip onto the ground. But failed.
"LET THAT SHANK GO YOU SHUCK GREENIE!" The Asian killed yelled.
Newt ignored and carried on pulling the kid in. He heard conversations spreading around.
"Man, poor Gally"
"Minho didn't put enough effort!"
"This Greenie is great, too bad they he won't survive"
"Hey, at least Gally would be dead"
Newt was fed up with all the drama, so he carried on into the Maze. As soon as he reached the inside of the doors, the ground was rumbling and the walls were shaking. Rocks echoed as they feel to the ground. Newt gathered the boys name was Gally so he pulled his arm towards the wall. The doors slowly started to close, rocks were tumbling and echoing as they landed.
"What is this place?" Newt screamed

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2017 ⏰

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