Together in Darkness

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My Dark Knight

Chapter 2

Together in the Darkness

The polished marble hallways of Ouran Academy glistened with the rich and echoed their constant chatter and laughter. Heirs and heiresses, the aristocratic and the newly rich all conversed with one another in a light atmosphere. Everyone belonged somewhere; just as the sun belongs to the sky and trees belong to a forest. 'Everyone but me.'

Misaki simply strode down the hallway bustling with people who seemed to sense that she was there and moved out of her way automatically. Her bangs brushed against her cheeks and her long black hair acted like a dark veil as she headed towards her classroom.

Today was the deadline to join a club. It was, unfortunately, compulsory to join a club. It was something about promoting interaction between students of different year levels while participating in recreational or sport activities.

Misaki was as nervous as she'd ever been. Today would be the day that she would have to face that hooded boy again. A small blush rushed to her face as she caught herself thinking about him. She quickly entered the classroom and zoomed across to quickly seat herself. Once seated, she tried to control her breathing and her heartbeat that seemed to pound stronger by the second.

She clenched her hands into fists in effort to dull the throbbing pain in her chest. 'Why does it hurt so much?' she thought as she moved one hand over her chest and pressed lightly to try and numb the pain.

"What's wrong?" a slightly familiar voice asked her causing her to look up at them. It was none other than Kyouya. 'Ugh... Not this guy again!' Misaki thought as she scowled and she glared at him through her long fringe. However, the young Ottori seemed unfazed by her intense stare. Instead of replying to him, Misaki simply said nothing and tried her best to exert a dark aura. 'If I don't talk. He won't need to say anything to me.'

"Hmmm. The silent treatment huh?" he asked as he gave her a smirk. She remained silent and began to take out her notebook and pencil case. "Alright then. But you'll have to face me eventually." Kyouya stated before leaving her alone and returning to his seat where an excited Tamaki began to bombard him with a ridiculous recollection of his morning.

Misaki took a deep breath and finally relaxed. 'As if. I'll never talk to him willingly.' Misaki thought as she brushed her bangs with her fingers.

"Okay. Class is starting. Get back to your seats!" the teacher instructed causing the students to scramble back to their designated seats. Misaki began to twirl her mechanical pencil. 'For once I actually want class to go on for longer.' she thought as her mind automatically drifted back to the mysterious boy from the Black Magic Club. A blush dusted across her cheeks before she tried to redirect her attention to the teacher, hoping to take her mind off her senpai.

That plan didn't go too well; seeing as she couldn't even hear what the teacher was saying with the sound of her erratic heartbeat echoing in her ears.

|~|~|~| At the end of the day |~|~|~|

"That's all for today. Don't forget that club membership needs to be finalised today!" the teacher reminded the class before they all stood up and tried to leave the room as fast as they could. Misaki on the other hand was slowly zipping up her pencil case and placing her books in her brown leather bag one by one in effort to extend her time in the classroom. She eventually finished and simply stood in an empty classroom staring at her bag blankly.

She sighed. 'It's now or never.' she thought solemnly as she picked up her bag and walked out the classroom and towards the Black Magic Club Room.

My Dark Knight (OHSHC Fanfiction - Nekozawa love story)Where stories live. Discover now