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"Happy Birthday Harry." Squealed Ginny. "You are officially twenty five." Smiled Ron tossing Harry a fire whisky. "Thanks guys." Harry smiled. "But I am going to bed its late." Hermione gave Harry a suspicious look but let it go. "Ginny I am going to stay in the guest room tonight." Harry said faking a yawn. "Harry why don't you sleep in our room any more? We are married." Ginny said a little angry. Harry Ignored her and gave his son Albus a kiss on the head and went to bed. Harry changed into some shorts and a t-shirt and crawled into the twin bed which was a little to small. Harry thought to himself. I can't do this anymore I have to tell Ginny but how I don't want to lose Albus. The next morning Harry sat down at the table to eat breakfast when Albus came out of his room. "Hey Albus I need to talk to your mother can you go get her for me then go outside?" "Sure but can I talk to you first?" Albus responded. "Um ok." Harry said confused. Albus sat down across from Harry and looked down at his lap. "Sometimes......when you are at work...." Albus was crying now. "Mom has a guy over his name is....something like..... Dean. And they smoke together after they... well go to their room. And when I told her to stop she slapped me and burned my arm with the cigarette." Harry was also cry when Albus pulled up his sleeve to show a burn. "I'm so sorry." Harry said. They both sat there hugging until. Harry knew what to do. "Send a letter to your friend Scorpius ok?" Harry asked. "Ok." Albus replied "Ask him if you can stay the night at their house." Albus nodded and ran to his room. A few minutes later Albus ran back to Harry with a bag in his and and said that scorpius said he could stay over at that house. Harry and Albus got in the car and drove to Scorpius house. "So what your friends last name." Harry asked. "Um it started with an M but I don't remember." Albus replied. "Ok just give me directions to get to the house." Harry said focusing on the road.

__By the way this story with have short chapters.__

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